Step04 Restoration


The data files for restoration simulation are in: Geol_002b\Case02\04_Restoration\Data. Those files are:


1.Geol_002b_Case02_rest.dat main datafile for the restoration simulation. The data relevant to usage spatial distribution of facies is discussed in detail below.


2.Geol_002b_Case02_geom.geometry datafile with the group data read via the data structure Include. This is carried from the previous workflow step where the groups were renumbered. Further edits are made to assign materials to each layer and consider the same hourglass properties as in Case01. Hence those edits are not discussed in detail here.


3.Geol_002b_Case02_geomB.dat datafile generated during the previous workflow step containing the Geometry_set data required to apply the couple freedoms constrain. This is read via the keyword Include defined in the main data file.


4.Geol_002b_Case02_geomB.geo geometry for the model.


5.Geol_002b_Case02_rest_geostatic.dat containing the geostatic data and compaction curves defining the initial porosities and the decompaction curves for each Facies to be used during restoration. This will be discussed in detail below.


6.Geol_002b_Case02_RestSurf01.dat datafile containing the restoration surface.


7.Geol_002b_rest01_Ss_Si_Sh_Ca.mat material datafile containing the materials used in the simulation.


8.Geol_002b_Case02_properties_ReNum.spat file containing the facies grid to be assigned to the model mesh.



What follows is a description of the data relevant to usage of Facies in both Geol_002b_Case02_rest.dat and Geol_002b_Case02_rest_geostatic.dat datafiles.




Facies definition


The assignment of facies to each element and the assignment of material properties to each Facies is performed in the main restoration data file (Geol_002b_Case02_rest.dat) and is described below.


Data File


* Include

! ---------------------------------

 Filename      Geol_002b_Case02_Properties_ReNum.spat


* Spatial_state_set NUM=1

! ---------------------------------

 Spatial_grid  "Geol_002b_Case02_properties"

 Groups  IDM=10





 State_variables  IDM=1



* Facies_definition  

! ---------------------------------

 Facies_names  IDM=4





 Facies_ids  IDM=4

   1  2  3  4


Include data structure is used to read the file containing the Facies grid.


Spatial_state_set data structure is used to assign the Facies ID numbers in the spatial grid to each element of the model mesh.


Facies_definition is used to assign/link material properties (including decompaction curves) to each facies ID number. In Facies_names the list of material names (Material_data) corresponding to each number listed in Facies_ids is provided.





Geostatic initialisation


The different facies are initialised using different porosity vs. depth curves. This is described below.


Data File


* Geostatic_data           NUM=1

! ---------------------------------

 Name      "Initialisation01"

 Facies IDM=4





 Facies_porosity_spatial  IDM=4

    11  12  13  14  

 Pore_pressure_distribution   "Hydrostatic"



* Spatial_variation_definition  NUM=11

! -------------------------------------

 Description     "Mech_100_00_00_00"

 Type                      "Absolute"

 Distribution       "Depth_dependent"

 Variation_assignment              11



* Spatial_variation_values    NUM=11

! ------------------------------------

 Description      "Mech_100_00_00_00"

 Time                            0.0

 Values_vs_depth        IDM=30 JDM=2

  /Depth/   0       100      ...   10000

  /Porosity/ 0.4100  0.3978   ...   0.0280



* Spatial_variation_definition  NUM=12

! -------------------------------------

 Description     "Mech_80_00_20_00"



A single Geostatic_data structure is defined for all the facies with a different porosity vs. depth curve being assigned for each facies using Facies and Facies_porosity_spatial keywords.




Output of Facies grid


At the end of each restoration stage a Spatial_grid with the Facies ID numbers distribution for the formation / group being back stripped needs to be output in order to allow the corresponding facies assignment during sedimentation in the forward simulation. The required data is described below.


Data File


* Restoration_data          

! ---------------------------------

 Restoration_surface         "Restoration_surface"

 Operation_type                        "Translate"

 Decompaction_Type                     "Top_layer"

 Move_to_surface_type                   "Vertical"

 Spatial_grid_for_tracking                  "Disp"

Spatial_grid_facies                         "Fac"

 Bed_length_constraint_type           "Bed_force1"

 Bed_length_constraint_data   IDM=3

  /Stiffness/           1E12  

  /Maximum Tension/      1E3

  /Gf/                   100

 State_reinit_flag                               1


Spatial_grid_facies keyword is used to request and define the name of the Spatial_grid that will be output at the end of each restoration stage for the back-stripped formation.


The output file for each formation N will be named according to the following criteria: Geol_002b_Case02_rest_Fac_formationN.spat with the grid name and formation name appended to the restoration simulation data file name.





The results for the present workflow steps are provided in Geol_002b\Case02\04_Restoration\Results. Note that only a selection of the results are provided.


From restoration the following spatial grid files to constrain the forward model have been exported:


Geol_002b_Case02_rest_Disp_formationNN.spat a spatial grid containing the boundary displacements for the forward model after deposition of each formation

Geol_002b_Case02_rest_Fac_formationNN.spat a spatial grid containing the facies ID number distribution for each deposited layer


Loading the file Geol_002b_Case02_rest.xmf in ParaView the full series of plot files (.plt) at all output times can be visualised. As can be seen in the picture below the facies distribution has been applied to the model according to the facies grid, as well as the initial porosity, which uses a different compaction trend for each facies.




Initial Facies and porosity distribution after geostatic stage in the model. V.E.=3




In the figure below the facies and porosity distribution at the end of formation08 stage are shown. At the end of such stage the spatial grid with the facies distribution for formation08 has been exported to the Geol_002b_Case02_rest_Fac_formation08.spat file. The exported spatial grids (both displacement and facies distribution) can be visualised by loading the Geol_002b_Case02_rest_sgd_NN.xmf in ParaView which loads the results from the corresponding NNth .sgd file where NN is the simulation stage number.





Facies distribution, exported facies grid and porosity distribution at the end of the 4th simulation stage (translate of formation08)