The objective is to re-perform the simulation using the permeability (k) = 1.0E-16m2. This is achieved by defining a new material in the hm_002_elastic.mat file called hm_002_elastic_1E16 and then changing the data file to read this data. The example data is provided in HM_002\Exercises\Case 4\Data\hm_002_Case3.dat.
The result files for the project are in directory: HM_002\Exercises\Case 3\results and the high definition history files can be displayed in excel file hm_002_Case3.xlsx. The evolution of pore pressure and effective stress are shown below. The predicted maximum overpressure at the base of the column is ca. 0.02 MPa which is close to hydrostatic. This is expected and is due to the longer drainage path associated with the pre-existing sediment assumption.
Pore Pressure Evolution at the Base of the Column as a Function of Time
Effective Vertical Stress and Pore Pressure as a Function of Depth and Time