In this example, we define a list of parameter names with their corresponding values. Then, the parameter names are put in the respective data structures. In particular, the parameter name Load is put under Global_loads to define boundary conditions. Parameter names Length, Height, Block_width and Block_height are put under Nodal_data to define the soil and concrete block geometry. Note that the parameter names and expressions are case-insensitive. Also, underscore is used to represent space within parameter names and expressions.
Basic Set Up: Data File Description
The data file for the project is in : ParDef_001\Case01\Data. The key data structures relevant to the definition of parameter definition for the current example are: •Parameter_definition to define parameter names and values. •Global_loads to replace load value with parameter name "Load". •Nodal_data to replace coordinate points with parameter names "Length", "Height", "Block_width" and "Block_height".
Parameter_definition •Defines parameter names and parameter values
Global_loads •Defines the surface load value through parameter name
Nodal_data •Defines coordinate points through parameter name
The following mesh model should be identical to other case models presented in ParDef_001 example.