Case3b Restoration with decompaction



The data file for this exercise is located in Rest_001/Exercices/Case3b/Data. Look for ! TODO  text in the datafile and follow the instructions.


In this exercise time curves for both restoration displacements and decompaction will be assigned in order to perform restoration first and then decompaction in each restoration step. Data file is identical to Case 3 datafile except the data discussed below:



Time curves

Data File



* Time_curve_data            NUM=1

! ---------------------------------

 Name     "restoration_displacements"

 Time_curve   IDM=3

 0.0  0.5  1.0

 Time_factor  IDM=3

 0.0  1.0  1.0



* Time_curve_data            NUM=2

! ---------------------------------

 Name     "decompaction"

 Time_curve   IDM=3

 0.0  0.5  1.0

 Time_factor  IDM=3

 0.0  1.0  1.0


1The time curves are defined in such a way so that:

a.First half of restoration step: Flattening of top surface to the restoration surface

b.Second half of restoration step: Decompaction

2Note that time curves are respecified at each control stage according to the correct times.




Restoration data

Data File



* Restoration_data                      

! ---------------------------------

 Restoration_surface     "Restoration_surface"

 Operation_type          "Restore"

 Decompaction_type       "Continuous"

 Time_curve                1

 Decompaction_time_curve   2  



1Keyword Time_curve assigns the time curve for the restoration displacements whereas keyword Decompaction_time_curve assigns time curve associated to the decompaction.




The result files for the project are in directory: Rest_001\Exercises\Case3b\Results  




Porosity results at the end of each restoration step.