The data file for this exercise is located in Rest_001/Exercices/Case3/Data. Look for ! TODO text in the datafile and follow the instructions.
In this exercise a decompaction law to a prescribed porosity trend will be considered. This will be achieved by:
1Defining geostatic data to prescribe an initial porosity trend vs depth in all formations. Here the same porosity trend as in the tutorial example Geost_001_Case1 is adopted.
2Defining the decompaction model and properties in Material_data. The same porosity trend used for geostatic will be used for decompaction.
Initial porosity definition
Data File |
* Geostatic_data NUM=1 ! --------------------------------- Groups IDM=4 "formation1" "formation2" "formation3" "formation4" Porosity_spatial 1 Pore_pressure_distribution "Hydrostatic"
* Spatial_variation_definition NUM=1 ! --------------------------------- Description "Porosity vs. Depth" Type "Absolute" Distribution "Depth_dependent" Variation_assignment 1
* Spatial_variation_values NUM=1 ! --------------------------------- Description "Normal Compaction Trend" Time 0.0 Values_vs_depth IDM=35 JDM=2 /Depth/ 0 179.3 ... 6097.4 /Porosity/ 0.48834 0.44717 ... 0.039523
1The initial porosity trend for the four formations is prescribed using geostatic data. 2Full description is provided in Geost_001_Case1. |
Decompaction definition
Data File |
* Material_data NUM=1 ! --------------------------------- Material_name "Elastic" Units IDM=4 /Stress/ "MPa" /Length/ "m" /Time/ "Ma" /Temperature/ "Celsius" Isotropic_elastic_properties IDM=2 /Young's Modulus/ 50000 /Poisson's Ratio/ 0.20 Grain_density 2760 Grain_stiffness 30000 Porosity 0.50 Singlephase_fluid 1 Decompaction_Type 1 Decompaction_spatial 1 Decompaction_properties IDM=1 /Maximum porosity inc/ 0.001
1The Material_data is modified to include decompaction following a prescribed porosity vs depth trend during restoration (Decompaction_type=1). 2The porosity trend defined in Spatial_variation_values NUM=1 is assigned to perform decompaction (Decompaction_spatial=1). 3The maximum increment in porosity in a single mechanical step is limited to 0.001. |
Restoration data
Data File |
* Restoration_data ! --------------------------------- Restoration_surface "Restoration_surface" Operation_type "Restore" Decompaction_type "Continuous"
1In addition to restoration operation and assignment of restoration surface Decompaction_type must be set to "Continuous" in order to perform decompaction during the current restoration step. 2Note that in this case decompaction is turned ON during the second restoration step as in the first one it is not required (the model started with porosity initialized according to the Normal Compaction Trend). |
The result files for the project are in directory: Rest_001\Exercises\Case3\Results
Porosity results at the end of each restoration step.