Case5 Force-based bed length constraint (Low stiffness)



The data file for this exercise is located in Rest_001/Exercices/Case5/Data. Look for ! TODO  text in the datafile and follow the instructions.


In this exercise the stiffness for the force-based bed-length constrain is as shown below: (see Case4 for full description)


Force-based bed length constraint

Data File


* Restoration_data

! ---------------------------------

 Restoration_surface       "Restoration_surface"

 Operation_type                      "Translate"

 Bed_length_constraint_type         "Bed_force1"

 Bed_length_constraint_data   IDM=2

  /"Stiffness"/        1E8  

  /"Maximum Tension"/   10


1The Bed_length_constraint_type keyword is set to "Bed_force1" (1D line elements are inserted to the top surface).

2The Bed_length_constraint_data must be provided. In this example the 1D element stiffness is set to 1E8 MPa and the extension yield strength is set to 10 MPa.

3Note that Restoration_data is re-defined in the next stage




The result files for the project are in directory: Rest_001\Exercises\Case5\Results. Note how the decrease in the stiffness has led to a bit of shortening of the bed length during restoration. In the plot below it can be seen the comparison between Cases 1, 4 and 5 restored geometries after the first restoration step. For a very high stiffness we achieve full preservation of the bed length. A gradual decrease in such stiffness will led to a gradual convergence to the unconstrained top surface bed length case where the final restored bed length is a result of the prescribed vertical displacement, freedom in horizontal direction, inclination of the top surface relative to the restoration surface and the material mechanical properties.




Top surface bed-length (in m) at initial (top) and restored (bottom) configurations.






Comparison of restored geometries for different top surface bed-length constraints.