The data files for the project are in directory: SpatVar_001\Exercises\Case 7\Data. Look for ! TODO text in the datafile and follow the instructions.
In this exercise the Grid from Case 1 is decreased in size so that is non-conforming to the model geometry. Then a flag to indicate whether points outside the grid should be assigned values equal to the closest point value is set. To perform this exercise modify the data as shown bellow. Grid data can be copied from excel file "SpatVar_001_case7.xlsx" .
Data File |
* Spatial_grid NUM=1 ! ---------------------------------------- Name "Porosity_Spatial" Type "Grid1" Num_cells_x 10 Num_cells_y 4 Num_cells_z 8 Cell_division_X 700 Cell_division_Y 800 Cell_division_Z 500 Grid_origin IDM=3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Boundary_map_flag 1 Nodal_variables IDM=2 "Porosity" "P_strnv"" Point_values IDM=2 JDM=495 0.05 -0.553652881 0.049 -0.554013553 . . . 0.390672 -0.159889195
1The cell division is decreased 100 m in X direction and 200 m in Y direction. This leads to a spatial grid which is 7000 x 3200 x 4000 m so it does not conform to the model geometry which is 8000 x 4000 x 4000 m. 2Boundary_map_flag is set to define whether the points outside the grid should be assigned values equal to the closest point or not: a.Case 7 : Flag set to 1 (assign values) b.Case 7b: Flag set to 0 ( do not assign values) |
The result files for the project are in directory: SpatVar_001\Case7\Results. .
Grid and geometry wireframe (left). Porosity distribution for flag set to 1 (center). Porosity distribution for flag set to 0 (right)