Initial Conditions |
Description |
Here are described the Keywords and options for prescribing initial conditions to a problem. This is generally used to create ParaGeo Spatial Grids with input values for state variables.
DISTRIBUTION Distribution values of material properties |
Usage |
Description |
Defines initial values to material state variables (e.g. Young modulus, Poisson Ratio, Porosity etc.) defined in a *DISTRIBUTION TABLE which is assigned to the present *DISTRIBUTION name. This data is used to create a Spatial_State_set in ParaGeo. Following *DISTRIBUTION keyword and all its corresponding parameters the input format of the values should be as comma separated values with as many rows as required as follows:
DISTRIBUTION TABLE Distribution of material properties |
Usage |
Description |
Defines material properties which will be assigned a spatial distribution via *DISTRIBUTION. This data is equivalent to ParaGeo Spatial_grid input. In addition to the Abaqus input material property labels DENSITY, MODULUS (for Young's Modulus) and RATIO (for Poisson's Ratio) any ParGeo material state variable is valid as an input.
GRAVITY Definition of gravity data |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the Gravity data for generation of ParaGeo Gravity_data. This replaces the Abaqus *DLOAD keyword as in ParaGeo the density is computed from porosity and the grain and fluid densities.
INITIAL CONDITIONS Initial conditions |
Usage |
Description |
Defines initial conditions for any state variable of the problem. Depending on which state variable is being prescribed values are defined at element basis or at nodal basis. This keyword will result in generation of a ParaGeo Spatial_grid.