The data files for the Zmap import for the current example are in: Geol_002b\Case02\01_Zmap_import\Data. The folder contains:
•Geol_002b_Case02_Zmap_Imp.dat : Main data file to perform the Zmap import and generate a .inp file
A sub-folder named "Zmaps" which contains the following Zmap data files:
•FormationN.dat : Zmap file containing the Z coordinates for formation N.
•FormationN_actnum.dat : Zmap file containing the Active_flag property for formation N. Such property defines whether a cell is active or not for importing purposes (alternative method to defining null values in the Z coordinates for inactive cells).
•FormationN_Facies.dat : Zmap file containing the facies ID number for each cell of the formation N.
Most of the data in the import datafile is identical to Case01. Hence only the additional data required / relevant for usage of facies will be described here.
The Util_eclipse_import data structure is used to define the importing and exporting format of the mesh/geometry as well as cell subdivision options, pinchout parameters for thin elements, the properties to be imported from Zmap data and any other conversion options.
Data File
* Util_eclipse_import
Input_file_type "Zmap"
Output_coordinate_type "None"
Property_names IDM=2
Active_cell_property "Active_flag"
Spatial_grid_name Geol_002b_Case02_prop
Spatial_grid_type Element
Output_property_names IDM=4
"I" "J" "K" "Facies"
•Property_names keyword is used to define all the properties that will be read / imported from Zmap data. Note that for each property listed here definition of an Util_zmap_import data structure will be required (in addition to the one used to import the Z coordinates). In the present case "Facies" and "Active_flag" properties are going to be imported from Zmap data.
•Spatial_grid_name, Spatial_grid_type and Output_property_names keywords are used to request the output of two .spat files each one containing a Spatial_grid; one with I, J and K values and another with the Facies number for each cell. Note that I, J, and K values are only required for application of couple freedoms on the boundary. Note that the Spatial_grid_type must be set as Element when I, J, and K grid for boundary extraction are required.
•Note that any other property imported via an Util_zmap_import data structure may be output within the generated Spatial_grid by listing it within the Output_property_names keyword. The different properties will be output in separate .spat files which will be named according to the name defined in Spatial_grid_name with the property name appended (i.e. in this case the code will output a file named Geol_002b_Case01_prop_IJK.spat) |
Data File
* Util_zmap_import NUM=1
Operation_type "Geometry"
File_names IDM=11
* Util_zmap_import NUM=2
Operation_type "Property"
Property_name "Facies"
Property_type "Int"
File_names IDM=11
* Util_zmap_import NUM=3
Operation_type "Property"
Property_name "Active_flag"
Property_type "Int"
Processing_flag 1
File_names IDM=11
•Three Util_zmap_import data structures are defined to import the three types of Zmap data considered in the present case; one for the Z coordinates defining the geometry and two for the properties imported from Zmap data previously defined in Property_names keyword within Util_eclipse_import.
•Note that as the Zmap data files are placed in the Zmaps sub-folder the appropriate paths are defined in File_names.
•For the imported properties Operation_type is set to "Property", the respective imported property names are defined using Property_name keyword and each property type is defined using Property_type (in this case both are internal properties as those are properties that are directly used by ParaGeo, other not internal properties could be imported for visualisation/tracking purposes)
•Note that the last Util_zmap_import requires definition of the Processing_flag 1 keyword in order to specify that no extra Zmap data will be imported. |
The results for the present workflow steps are provided in Geol_002b\Case02\01_Zmap_import\Results
After Zmap import two key files are ouput:
1.Geol_002b_Case02_abaq.inp file containing the mesh in Abaqus format. This will be run by ParaGeo on the next workflow step in order to obtain the .geo file 2.Geol_002b_Case02_prop_IJK.spat containing a Spatial_grid with the I,J, and K values for each element (see below). 3.Geol_002b_Case02_prop_Facies.spat containing a Spatial_grid with the Facies number for each element (see below).
Data File
* Spatial_grid NUM=1
Name "grid_IJK"
File_name "Geol_002b_Case02_prop_IJK.spat"
Type "Element"
Element_variables IDM=3
Cell_values IDM=3 JDM=7661
1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
2.00000 1.00000 1.00000
41.0000 15.0000 20.0000
Element_numbers IDM=7661
1 2 3 ... 14093 14094
•The Geol_002b_Case02_properties.spat file contains a Spatial_grid with the requested output properties which in this case are the I, J and K values (first 3 columns in Cell_values) as well as the Facies ID number (last column in Cell_values) for each element.
Data File
* Spatial_grid NUM=1
Name "Facies"
File_name "Geol_002b_Case02_prop_Facies.spat"
Type "Element"
Element_variables IDM=1
Cell_values IDM=1 JDM=7661
Element_numbers IDM=7661
1 2 3 ... 14093 14094
The considered mesh and the distribution of the imported Facies may be visualised by loading the file Geol_002b_Case02_Zmap_Imp_update_eclipse.xmf in ParaView.