The present workflow step is identical as performed in Case01 (no extra data definition is required for considering Facies) but is included here for the sake of completeness.
The data files for identification and extraction of boundary data (relevant to application of couple freedoms on boundary nodes) are in: Geol_002b\Case02\03_Boundary_extract\Data. It consists of:
1.Geol_002b_Case02_geom.geo previously generated
2.Geol_002b_Case02_geom.geometry previously generated. Here we have manually edited the group numbers so they are numbered from the oldest formation (formation01) to the youngest one (formation10). This is done for convenience so that the group number in restoration and forward simulation for a given formation is the same.
3.Geol_002b_Case02_prop_IJK_ReNum.spat generated during geometry create workflow step. This contains a Spatial_grid with the I, J and K numbers for each element that will be used to identify the boundary nodes as well as the Facies ID number for each element.
4.Geol_002b_Case02_boun_ext.dat datafile defined to perform the identification and extraction of the boundary data.
The key data for Geol_002b_Case02_geom.geometry and Geol_002b_Case02_boun_ext.dat files for application of couple freedoms on the boundary nodes is identical to the data in Case01 (no extra data definition is required for considering Facies) so that is not discussed here.
The results for the present workflow steps are provided in Geol_002b\Case02\03_Boundary_extract\Results
The key generated results comprise:
1.Geol_002b_Case02_geomB.geo file containing the geometry and mesh in ParaGeo format, updated by incorporating new geometry sets for boundary nodes discussed below.
2.Geol_002b_Case02_geomB.dat file containing the previously existing Geometry_set data structures plus the additional ones which are required for application of the couple freedoms constrain.