The present case aims to demonstrate a complete workflow to perform geological modelling for models with TET meshes built from Zmap data. In this example we will highlight usage of key functionality including:
1.Import of Zmap data to obtain a HEX meshed geometry
2.Perform HEX to TET conversion
3.Usage of Remeshing during restoration
4.Restoration to Forward conversion
5.Spatial distribution of facies
6.Prescribed displacement boundaries during forward modelling with kinematics controlled via part geometry displacement
The model used to demonstrate the workflow will consist on a regular sub-grid from the model in Geol_002 and Geol_002b. It is noted that the TET meshes restoration --> Forward simulation workflow requires models with Non-ragged boundaries.
The workflow steps that will be followed in the present case are:
1.Zmap import including the import of facies Zmaps
2.Geometry create (conversion from the .inp generated from Zmaps to ParaGeo geometry)
3.Hex to Tet conversion
4.Restoration accounting for spatially distributed facies and remeshing during the simulation
5.Restoration to Forward to process the data (results) obtained from restoration and obtain input data for the forward modelling (initial geometry, boundary conditions, initial raw data file)
6.Forward simulation accounting for sedimentation of spatially distributed facies (with the distribution for each formation obtained from restoration)
It is noted that the input data files and results required / generated during each workflow step will include the workflow step number in the name. Thus if a given output file in step "N" is required / used in a later workflow step "M" then:
•The file name will include "_StepN" if the file is used straightaway as obtained in workflow step N (no edits required)
•The file name will include "_StepM" if the file required edits
In such a way it will be easier to identify where the files come from and to identify the differences between a file "as output" and the edits required in the final version to use it.