Geostatic_data is used to define a geostatic state and initial conditions in ParaGeo during model initialization (e.g. Initial porosity, stresses, temperature distribution, pore pressure distribution, etc.). Typical geostatic data for geologic problems is shown below which prescribes an initial porosity vs. depth trend and imposes an hydrostatic state which is ramped up with gravity. Note that application of geostatic data requires the stratigraphy to be defined.
Geostatic_control_data is used to change the geostatic conditions for cases in which more than one geostatic stage is performed (e.g. a model may be initialised assuming elastic contact during the first stage in order to calculate the contact stresses and then during a subsequent stage release the contact model and ramp up from zero the stresses previously calculated).
Example of data used to prescribe a geostatic state in which an initial porosity vs. depth trend is prescribed
Tutorial examples demonstrating usage of geostatic data are:
Geost_001: Geostatic initialisation of a column
Geost_002: Staged initialization of a graben