Geost_002 Staged Initialization of a graben


In this example an initialization of a graben structure in 3D will be performed. The model is 8.5 km long (X direction), 2 km wide (Y direction) and 4 km tall (Z direction). The graben structure contains 3 faults and a detachment which are represented via frictional contact surfaces. Initialization will be performed in several stages where initially the first stage will consider gravity application with an elastic constitutive model and elastic contact and successive stages will be used to switch to the standard constitutive and contact models. This procedure can help to improve stability during initialization of complex structures where contact surfaces are present. Specific issues addressed with this example are:


1Usage of geometry sets to facilitate the assignment of boundary conditions

2Initialization of a faulted structure with faults represented via contact surfaces (Elastic initialization)

3Application of a tectonic load to obtain correct values for lateral stresses

4Staged initialization in order to switch to the standard contact and constitutive models

5Displacement reinitialization at the end of the staged initialization

6Initialization of porosity via Spatial Grids

7Usage of Spatial Tables to define the values for a given variable as a function of other variables



View of geometry with formations and faults for the graben model



Simulation Cases


A full description of the data required for graben model initialization provided in Case 1 Base Case description (Elastic Initialization)