Case 1 Base Case description (Elastic Initialization)


This tutorial example assumes that the user has completed the example Geost_001 Initialization of a 3000m 3D column. Here a complete description of the model is provided. An exercise consisting in the full model build up is available in Geost_002\Exercices\Case1 (full model build up exercice). Look for ! TODO  text in the datafile and follow the instructions.


Basic Set Up: Data File Description

The initial data file for the project is: geost_002\Data\geost_002_case1.dat.   The basic data includes:

1Geometry data (nodes, lines, surfaces and volumes) to define the graben model. The model is 8.5 km long (X direction), 2 km wide (Y direction) and 4 km tall (Z direction).

2Geometry set data (Geometry_set) to group geometry entities into user-named sets and facilitate the assignment of boundary conditions.

3Stratigraphy definition for 4 formations.

4A Stratigraphy_surface_load to define boundary conditions at the top surface.

5Contact data to define contact relationships for surfaces at both sides of faults and detachment (Contact_set, Contact_property and Contact_global).

6Group data for all formations (defined using Group_control_data and Group_data data structures) which are assigned the "Shale_CF75" properties.

7A Material_data structure to read the material properties for the Shale lithology from an external file.

8Data required to define geostatic initialization with a prescribed porosity trend (Geostatic_data, Spatial_variation_definition and Spatial_variation_values )

9Gravity data (Gravity_data)

10Support data (Support_data) defining fixity in perpendicular directions to each lateral boundary and fixity in vertical direction for the base.

11Mesh control (Mesh_control) and Unstructured mesh generation data (Unstructured_mesh_data) defining a constant mesh size of 300m.

12Damping data (Damping_global_data) to define bulk damping on the effective mean stress (Bulk Viscosity model).

13Time scaling data (Time_scaling_data) with optimal time step 2E-4 Ma.

14History data (History_global) for output of global energy history (results as a function of time).

15Geostatic_control_data to impose elastic constitutive model and elastic contact (no slip) during gravity application.

16Control data (Control_data) defining:

a.  Incremental solution algorithm (Type 1),

b.  Duration of t=0.25 Ma,

c.  Maximum number of time steps 106 (very large to avoid premature termination of the analysis),

d.  Factor of critical time step = 0.5,

e.  Plot file output at the end of the stage,

f.  Screen message output every 500 mechanical steps





The result files for the project are in directory: geost_002\Case1\results.  The contour for porosity follow the prescribed porosity trend with depth. During geostatic initialization the central graben block delimited by the faults in V shape tries to slide down a bit (very small amount) but the elastic contact prevents this motion. This leads to:

1.Development of positive horizontal effective stresses in X direction (Sxx) in the most westward top part of the model.

2.Development of small positive vertical effective stress (Szz) and horizontal effective stress in Y direction (Syy) at the fault tips at surface.

3.Stresses concentrate in the contact corner where the two larger faults intersect with the detachment.




Results at t=0.25 Ma after elastic geostatic initialization