In this section ParaGeo data structures relevant to the definition of contact data are described. Contact can be defined for all fields; mechanical, fluid flow and thermal flow. The available data structures are:
•Contact_global defining the contact sets that will be active for the simulation, whether flow and thermal fields are active, etc.
•Contact_set defining general contact algorithm properties, geometry sets for which contact is active, etc.
•Contact_surface to establish potential contact relationships for a given geometry set with other geometry sets included in the contact set.
•Contact_property defining active contact models and their relevant properties.
In the results plot file, the meaning of the following contact flags are as follows:
•Contact Flag (contact state variable id "C_cont_f")
0 = No contact
1 = Compressive contact (with penetration)
-1 = Adhesive contact (with adhesive separation)
•Contact Slip Stick (contact state variable id "C_slip_f")
1 = Sticking contact
2 = Slip/Contact with sliding
•Contact Bonding Flag (contact state variable id "C_Bondfg")
0 = Bonded
1 = Damaged/Debonding
2 = Debonded fully (i.e. Contact Flag = 0 when this happens)
Tutorial examples demonstrating usage of the contact data are:
Cont_001: Mechanical Contact Example
Cont_002: Flow and Thermal Contact Example
Ex_001: Contact Mechanical Models
THM_001: Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical contact example
Geost_002: Staged initialization of a graben
Rest_002: Restoration and forward modelling of a normal fault