THM_001 Moving Block

The purpose of this example is to demonstrate the capability of ParaGeo in solving thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) field problem. This example consists of two blocks that are in contact with each other, as illustrated in the following.



Geometry Description


The boundary conditions are prescribed  as follows.

1Block 1 is stationary.

2Block 2 is prescribed with displacement (120m in y direction).

3The base of Block 1 is prescribed with temperature 30­­ºC.

4The top of Block 2 is prescribed with temperature 10ºC.

5The base of Block 1 is prescribed with pore pressure 2MPa.

6The top Block 2 is prescribed with pore pressure 0MPa.


Contact properties are prescribed such that heat and fluid are allowed to flow across contact surfaces, illustrated in the figure below.



Contact Surfaces defined in this example


Lastly, the results will be visualised in terms of temperature and pore pressure scalar fields as well as heat and fluid velocity flux vector fields.


Basic Set Up: Data file description

The data file for the project is: THM_001\Data\3D_THM_Block.dat.   The basic data includes:

1Geometry_set groups multiple geometry entities under a convenient geometry set name, which will be used for stratigraphy definition, prescription of boundary condition, group data, etc.

2Stratigraphy_definition identifies the basal and top surface horizons using the prescribed geometry set.

3Stratigraphy_surface load defines the temperature (10 degC) and pore pressure (0MPa) at the top surface horizon.

4Stratitgraphy_basal_load defines the temperature (30 degC) and pore pressure (2MPa) at the basal horizon.

5Contact_set, Contact_property, Contact_global constitute contact data of fault surfaces. In particular, under Contact_property, flow and thermal models are prescribed.

6Group_control_data activates geomechanical, seepage and thermal fields for two groups. The latter is further defined under respective Group_data (e.g. element type, material name, geometry set, etc).  

7Material_data and Fluid_properties both define the material properties of formation.

8Time_scaling_factors defines an optimal time step of 1E-4 Ma.

9Damping_global_data sets a global damping ratio of 2%.

10Support_data restricts the displacement of Base_block (Block 1) in all directions and allows the displacement of Top_block (Block 2) to be prescribed by the user.

11Global_loads defines the prescribed displacement (0, 120, 0)m on Top_block by following Time_curve_data. The loading is activated via Load_case_control_data.

12Mesh_control_data and Unstructured_mesh_data are used to generate unstructured meshes within the domain with a characteristic mesh size of 10m.

13Coupled_control_data calls for incremental-type solution algorithm and undrained split scheme as well as defines the field names (i.e. geomechanical, porous flow, thermal) to be considered in the simulation.

14Control_data corresponding to two restoration stages is defined as follow:

(a)  Incremental solution algorithm (Type 4)

(b)  Maximum number of time steps of 1E8

(c)  Duration of t=1.0 Ma

(d)  Initial time increment (Porous flow time step size) = 1E-2 Ma

(e)  Maximum number of iteration = 5000

(f)  Factor of critical time step = 0.7

(g)  Plot file output for every 20 coupling time steps




The result files for the project are in directory: THM_001\Results


Thermal Field




                                Change of Temperature Distribution due to Movement of Heat Sink



Heat flux vector





Iso-surface of temperature field


Seepage Field




Change of Pore Pressure Distribution due to Movement of Fluid Sink




Fluid flux vector




Iso-surface of pore pressure field