In this exercise a displacement reinitialization is added after the previous stages of geostatic initialization in a similar manner as explained in Geost_001 Case 3 example.
To perform this exercise copy the datafile from Case3 as a template. Then copy and paste Geostatic_control_data and Control_data data structures to add an extra control stage. Then modify the geostatic control data structure in order to perform displacement reinitialization.
Stage 5: Displacement Reinitialization
Data File |
* Geostatic_control_data ! ---------------------------------------- Displacement_reinit_flag 1
* Control_data ! ======================================== Control_title "Disp reinit" Solution_algorithm 1 Maximum_number_time_steps 1000000 Duration 0.25 Factor_critical_time_step 0.5 Output_frequency_plotfile -1 Screen_message_frequency 500 Output_frequency_restart -1
1Displacement reinitialization is performed in this stage by setting Displacement_reinit_flag to 1 in Geostatic_control_data.
2Control_data is identical to the first stage (see Case1).
Comparison of results before (solid colors) and after displacement reinitialization (mesh)
The data and result files for the project are in directory: geost_002\Exercises\Case4