In this exercise the initialization of porosity will be performed via a Spatial_grid located within the file porosity.spat. Note that if porosity is initialized via a grid and the constitutive model is elasto-plastic, the volumetric plastic strain corresponding to each porosity value should also be provided in the grid in order to initialize at the correct pre-consolidation pressure. The spatial grid file (porosity.spat) contains a spatial_grid with:
19 cells in X direction (1000 m each)
22 cells in Y direction (1000 m each)
38 cells in Z direction (500 m each)
4X, Y and Z coordinates for the grid points
5Porosity and volumetric plastic strain at grid points
The porosity distribution defined by the grid is as follows:
1In X=0m the porosity vs depth trend follows the NCT (same porosity distribution as in Case 1).
2In X=9000m (outside from the domain) the porosity at a given depth is 0.8 · Porosity in NCT. The lateral variation of porosity is defined to be lineal (see the provided exel file in Geost_002\Exercices\Case5\Data\000 - Porosity Grid Definition.xlsx).
To perform this exercise copy the datafile from Case4 as a template. Then:
1Delete the Prorosity_spatial keyword from the Geostatic_data. If desired Spatial_variation_definition and Spatial_variation_values can be deleted as well as will not be used.
2Include the Spatial_grid in file porosity.spat using the Include data structure.
3Assign the values for porosity and volumetric plastic strain included in the grid using the Spatial_state_set data structure.
Data File |
* Geostatic_data NUM=1 ! --------------------------------- Groups IDM=4 "formation0" "formation1" "formation2" "formation3" Pore_pressure_distribution "Hydrostatic" Time_curve 100
* Include ! --------------------------------- Filename "porosity.spat"
* Spatial_state_set NUM=1 ! --------------------------------- Spatial_grid "Porosity_Spatial" Element_variables IDM=1 "Porosity" State_variables IDM=1 "P_strnv" |
1Porosity_spatial keyword is removed from Geostatic_data. 2The spatial grid within the file named porosity.spat is included in the analysis. 3The values for porosity and volumetric plastic strain are assigned as initial values by using the Spatial_state_set data structure.
Porosity initialized via a Spatial Grid (note the porosity variation in X direction)
The data and result files for the project are in directory: geost_002\Exercises\Case5