Part-geometry is set of geometry entities; e.g. a group of lines or surfaces, that does not form part of the simulation domain. The part-geometry data is distinguished from standard geometry data that defines the model by using specific part-geometry keywords; e.g. Part_line instead of Geometry_line. Part-geometry is also always defined as either faceted lines or tessellated surfaces and the geometry is unaffected by remeshing operations.
Part geometry is defined as a single or series of Part_geometry_set's, with each set requiring:
1A list of part-geometry entities in the set.
2The definition of each geometry entity i.e. Part_line s or Part_surface s.
3The nodal coordinates of the nodes defining the geometry entities in the set Part_nodal_data ISET.
Optionally the part-geometry may be assigned a deformation by defining a list of updated coordinates, via Part_nodal_update together with a Time_curve.
Part-Geometry Defined as a Single Part_line with coordinates updated using Part_nodal_update
Part-geometry can be used in defining prescribed boundary conditions data. In this case the prescribed boundary is defined by:
1The geometry entities in the model to be assigned to the boundary condition. These are geometry lines in 2-D and geometry surfaces in 3-D.
2The part-geometry set to be used
3The time curve associated with the update of the part-geometry if the prescribed boundary is moving during the simulation.
The deformation of the lines or surface in the model is then prescribed by the motion of the part-geometry assigned; e.g. see below
Sandbox Simulation with Extension and Vertical Offset of a Boundary Surface
Tutorial examples demonstrating usage of part geometry are:
Mech_003: Rift sandbox simulation using prescribed boundary data