There are several data structures in ParaGeo related to spatial definition of properties, boundary conditions, etc. Those are:
•Spatial_grid defining either a regular or irregular grid which may also define values for specified variables either at grid points or grid cells.
•Spatial_grid_group defining a special type of spatial grid in which the variable values are specified in a group by group basis (each Spatial_grid_group defines variable values for a single group only).
•Spatial_grid_output defining output of current values for selected variables to a previously defined spatial grid (values of the ParaGeo mesh are mapped into the grid).
•Spatial_boundary which allows to define spatially varying boundary conditions using spatial grids.
•Spatial_state_set allows to set the value of specified variables according to the values specified in an assigned spatial grid.
•Spatial_table allows to define material property dependence as a function on an assigned spatial variation.
•Spatial_plan allows to define horizontal spatial variation of properties.
•Spatial_variation_definition which allows spatial variations to be assigned to any material property or variable (e.g. stresses).
•Spatial_variation_values define the values of a spatial variation. The values may be either defined as a function of depth or defined using a spatial grid.
Suggested tutorial examples demonstrating usage of spatial variations of properties are:
SpatVar_001: Spatial definition of properties
SpatVar_002: Output of Spatial Grids
Ex_002: Depletion of a reservoir (Spatial_boundary)