

The concept of sub-modelling refers to perform the modelling of a sub-domain located within a larger scale model. The sub-model usually provides higher resolution of an area of interest. From the large scale model the boundary conditions (displacements, pore pressure, temperature, etc) for the sub-model may be obtained. ParaGeo offers the possibility of performing sub-modelling by adopting the workflow described in Overview of Sub-modelling Workflow page.


The specific data structure relevant to sub-modelling is Boundary_export which allows to export sub-model boundaries as spatial grids which can later be used to extract boundary conditions from a large scale model (variable values from the large scale model are mapped into the sub-model boundary spatial grid).


Note that to later apply the boundary conditions for the sub-model simulation usage of Spatial_boundary data structure is required.


Note as well that a special sub-modelling workflow by which a forward sub-model is extracted from a larger scale restoration can be performed in ParaGeo via usage of Part_geometry_tracking. In this workflow forward sub-model boundaries must be defined as part geometry prior to the simulation of the large scale restoration. During restoration the part boundary is tied to the restoration mesh and it tracks the displacements at such locations. Then the displacements at the sub-model part geometry boundaries can be reversed to apply the boundary conditions for the forward sub-model.






Suggested tutorial examples demonstrating sub-modelling workflow in ParaGeo are:


SubMod_001: Sub-modelling example