SubMod_001 Sub-modelling Example


This tutorial example aims to demonstrate the sub-modelling workflow in ParaGeo. The concept of sub-modelling refers to modelling a target region of interest from a large scale model, at higher mesh resolution. The large scale model is used to provide the boundary conditions for the small scale model. The concept and workflow of sub-modelling is described in detail in the reference manual chapter Sub-modelling.


The steps of the sub-modelling workflow can be summarized as follows:

1Simulation of the large scale model

2Creation and extraction of the sub-model boundaries

3Extraction of the boundary conditions for the sub-model from the large scale model

4Sub-model simulation


Data file examples for each of those steps are provided.


The example consists in a 3D geometry 20 km long x 12 km wide x 5 km height with a slope of 0.05 on top surface. Twor formations are considered. A tectonic displacement is applied on the West boundary. The sub-model geometry  is a region 10 km long x 9 km wide x 4.5 km height located within the large scale model domain. This example will illustrate how to export the displacement from the large scale model to the sub-model.




Sub-modelling Example Steps