Example Step 2 Sub-model boundary creation datafile description


This datafile is used to create spatial grids that will define the geometry of the sub-model boundaries. Therefore only a single mechanical step is required. Most of the data in the file is identical to the Step 1 datafile.


The geometry for the sub-model is of similar shape as the large scale model but with dimensions 10 km long x 9 km wide x 4.5 km height. The Base coincides with the large scale model, whereas all other boundaries are within the Large scale model.


Data file for this exercise is located in directory: SubMod_001\Step2\Data. Look for ! TODO  text in the datafile and follow the instructions.


Basic Set Up: Data File Description

The initial data file for the project is: SubMod_001\Step2\Data\Submod_001_Step2.dat.   The basic data is identical to the Step 1 excepting:

1Geometry data modified to define the sub-model geometry (in this example only nodal_data has required modification).

2Control_data is set to run a single mechanical step (Maximum_number_time_steps = 1)

3Boundary_export data structure is used after the control data in order to export the spatial grids for the specified geometry sets.


Description of the key data only is provided.



hmtoggle_plus1Generated Spatial Grids