This datafile is used to create spatial grids that will define the geometry of the sub-model boundaries. Therefore only a single mechanical step is required. Most of the data in the file is identical to the Step 1 datafile.
The geometry for the sub-model is of similar shape as the large scale model but with dimensions 10 km long x 9 km wide x 4.5 km height. The Base coincides with the large scale model, whereas all other boundaries are within the Large scale model.
Data file for this exercise is located in directory: SubMod_001\Step2\Data. Look for text in the datafile and follow the instructions.
Basic Set Up: Data File Description
The initial data file for the project is: SubMod_001\Step2\Data\Submod_001_Step2.dat. The basic data is identical to the Step 1 excepting:
1Geometry data modified to define the sub-model geometry (in this example only nodal_data has required modification). 2Control_data is set to run a single mechanical step (Maximum_number_time_steps = 1) 3Boundary_export data structure is used after the control data in order to export the spatial grids for the specified geometry sets.
Description of the key data only is provided.
Definition of Geometry_set data for each of the boundaries is compulsory for allowing extraction of the sub-model boundary spatial grids
Data File
* Geometry_set NUM=1
Name "West"
Surfaces IDM=2
5 6
* Geometry_set NUM=2
Name "East"
Surfaces IDM=2
2 3
* Geometry_set NUM=3
Name "Base"
Surfaces IDM=1
* Geometry_set NUM=4
Name "Top_surface"
Surfaces IDM=1
* Geometry_set NUM=5
Name "North"
Surfaces IDM=2
9 11
* Geometry_set NUM=6
Name "South"
Surfaces IDM=2
8 10
1Six geometry sets for the base, top surface, North, South, East and West boundaries are defined by specification of the corresponding surfaces. |
Control_data is set for the analysis to terminate after one step.
Data File
* Control_data
Control_title "Gravity"
Solution_algorithm 1
Maximum_number_time_steps 1
Duration 0.25
Factor_critical_time_step 0.5
Output_frequency_plotfile -1
Screen_message_frequency 500
Output_frequency_restart -1
1Control data is defined identically to Step1 with the exception of the maximum_number_time_steps keyword which is set to 1 (only one mech step is required/desired as we are only interested in extracting the sub-model boundaries spatial grids) |
The Boundary_export data structure is used to output spatial grids which will define the sub-model boundary. The data structure should be placed after the Control_data.
Data File
* Boundary_export NUM=1
Name "Sub-model_boundaries"
File_name "Submod_001_Step2_bound"
Boundary_type "Spatial_grid"
Boundary_facet_flag 1
Geometry_sets IDM=6
1A Spatial grid for each of the geometry set specified will be output. 2Export of the sub-model top surface is included as in this case it is below the large scale model top surface (within the large scale model continuum domain). 3The file name for the spatial grids generated is set as "Submod_001_Step2_bound". The final name for each spatial grid will have added "_geometrysetname" to the end of the name (i.e. the spatial grid for the Base for example will be named Submod_001_Step2_bound_Base.spat).
Only the nodal_data is discussed here as Geometry_line, Geometry_surface and Geometry_volume data is identical to the one described in Example Step1.
Data File
* nodal_data
node_number IDM=12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12
coordinates IDM=3 JDM=12
7500 1000 0
17500 1000 0
17500 1000 2500
17500 1000 3862.5
7500 1000 4512.5
7500 1000 2500
7500 10000 0
17500 10000 0
17500 10000 2500
17500 10000 3862.5
7500 10000 4512.5
7500 10000 2500
1The nodal data to define the sub-model is presented here.
The generated files for the project are in directory: Submod_001\Step2\results. The list of the generated spatial grids files is:
Each of those files contain a spatial grid with nodal data defining the geometry of the boundaries.
Data File
* Spatial_grid NUM=1
Name "Base"
Type "Nodal"
Nodal_variables IDM=3
Node_numbers IDM=504
1 2 3 4 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
679 680 681 682
Grid_coordinates IDM=3 JDM=504
7500.00 1000.00 0.00000
17500.0 1000.00 0.00000
16272.9 3228.68 0.00000
Boundary_map_flag 0
1The Spatial grid contains the node numbers and their coordinates. 2The nodal variables (displacement) are not used.