HM_005 Uniaxial Sedimentation followed by Tectonic Compression

This example simulates the uniaxial deposition of 4000m of sediment followed by a tectonic compression event. The basin history will be simulated in two steps; i.e. a simulation for the deposition will be performed first and then the results will be called as a starting configuration for a second simulation (for the tectonic compression) using the Restart functionality. The layer deposition will be performed using the "Drape" algorithm which uses the keyword input data Reference_thickness instead of a sedimentation horizon.


Specific issues considered are:

1Deposition using layer sedimentation for coupled problems (Drape algorithm).

2Use of gradual time step reduction control data between final sedimentation and tectonic stages.

3Use of the restart file.

The example documentation assumes that the user has undertaken the following examples beforehand:

1Mech_002 Uniaxial Burial of a 2000m of Sediment.   This describes the layer sedimentation algorithm.

2HM_001 Introduction to Hydro-Mechanical Analysis - Uniaxial Consolidation.

3HM_002 Uniaxial Sedimentation using Pre-Existing Sediment.

4HM_003 Uniaxial Sedimentation using Eulerian Deposition.

5HM_004 Uniaxial Sedimentation using Layer Deposition.


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hmtoggle_plus1Usage of Restart Files


Simulation Cases