HM_005 Case1 10% shortening at strain rate of 0.2/Ma

In this example a deposition of 4000 m of sediment followed by 10% of shortening at a strain rate of 0.2/Ma (20% of strain per million years) will be simulated.  The deposition will be performed in 10 layers of 400 m height each. The column width is 1000m so that the applied tectonic displacement will be 100m. In order to apply 10% of shortening at 0.2/Ma strain rate the complete displacement should last 0.5 Ma. A detailed description of the deposition data file and restart data file with the tectonic event are shown below.


First the depositional stage should be run, and subsequently the restart data file can be executed.


Click to expand/collapseBasic Set Up: Sedimentation Data File Description


Click to expand/collapseBasic Set Up: Restart File with Tectonic Event Description



Click to expand/collapseResults