Kin_001 Hydrocarbon kinetics in uniaxial column with deposition


This example provides an introduction to hydrocarbon kinetics using a coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) modelling strategy in a 2D sedimentation column using ParaGeo.  Features of the example are:

1THM sedimentation modelling.

2Hydrocarbon generation from kerogen oil and gas generative layers.

3Pore pressure generation due to the hydrocarbon kinetics.

4Influence of kerogen thickness on the pore pressure generated.

5Porosity update flag to consider or not the porosity change due to hydrocarbon expulsion.

6Strength update (or reduction) factor fφ due to porosity change.

7Multiple kerogen generative layers in sedimentation column (four layers of kerogen 'B').

8Different type of kerogen generative layers in sedimentation column (two layers of kerogen 'B' and two layers of kerogen 'F').

9Combined use of two damping models - mass proportional damping and bulk viscosity damping to aid the numerical stability of the long 8000m x 100m column.


The example documentation assumes that the user is familiar with layer sedimentation and hydrocarbon maturation modelling.  If not familiar, the following examples are recommended to be undertaken beforehand:

1HM_004 - Uniaxial Sedimentation using Layer Deposition.

2Val_005 - Hydrocarbon Maturation Validation.


Click to expand/collapseProblem Description



A total of seven case models are simulated as shown in the table below:


Case ID


Key label on graph plots


Base case with no kerogen.

No Kerogen


First four layers with kerogen 'B' (default strength update factor of 0.5 due to porosity change).

Strength update factor = 0.5 / Porosity update ON (default)


As Case01a but with strength update factor = 1.0.

Strength update factor = 1.0


As Case01a but with strength update factor = 0.0 (i.e. no strength update due to porosity change).

Strength update factor = 0.0


First two layers with kerogen 'B' and fourth and fifth layers with kerogen 'F' (default kerogen layer thickness is full layer).

Default layer thickness


As Case03 but with all kerogen layer thicknesses = 200m.

Thickness = 200m


As Case01a but with porosity update flag = 0 (i.e. no porosity update due to hydrocarbon generation is taken into consideration).

Porosity update flag = 0 (OFF)



These seven case models demonstrate the following investigations:

Influence of strength update (or reduction) factor due to porosity increase from kerogen -> hydrocarbon transformation - Case01a vs Case01b vs Case01c.

Influence of kerogen layer thickness and demonstration of different kerogen types interacting in the single column - Case02 vs Case03.

Influence of porosity change due to kerogen -> hydrocarbon transformation  - Case01a vs Case04.


The base case (Case00) model with no kerogen will serve as a reference to all simulation cases.




Simulation Cases


The data files for the examples are found in: ParaGeo_Tutorial_Examples\Kin_001



A full description of the data required for the uniaxial sedimentation column with no kerogen is provided in Case00 Base Case description.  Subsequent cases containing kerogen in the layers will only contain description of hydrocarbon kinetics related data.





[1] Pepper, A.S. and Corvi, P.J. (1995(a)): Simple kinetic models of petroleum formation. Part I: Oil and gas generation from kerogen. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 12(3) 291–319. 1995(a).

[2] Pepper, A.S., Dodd, T.A. (1995): Simple kinetic models of petroleum formation. Part II: Oil-gas cracking. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 12(3) 321-340.

[3] Pepper, A.S. and Corvi, P.J. (1995(b)): Simple kinetic models of petroleum formation. Part III: Modelling an open system. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 12(4) 417-452.