HM_004 Uniaxial Sedimentation using Layer Deposition

This example extends the uniaxial sedimentation example HM_003 by considering overpressure build up and dissipation during the sedimentation of a 1000m column represented by layer sedimentation.   The layer sedimentation algorithm is more general than the Eulerian boundary algorithm and allows general intersection of the new sediment layer with existing sediment.  The disadvantage, however, is that the layers are deposited as layers of discrete thickness rather than the continuous process used with the Eulerian boundary.

Specific issues considered are:

1Deposition using layer sedimentation for coupled problems.

The example documentation assumes that the user has undertaken following examples beforehand:

1Mech_002 Uniaxial Burial of a 2000m of Sediment.   This describes the layer sedimentation algorithm.

2HM_001 Introduction to Hydro-Mechanical Analysis - Uniaxial Consolidation.

3HM_002 Uniaxial Sedimentation using Pre-Existing Sediment.

4HM_003 Uniaxial Sedimentation using Eulerian Deposition.


Click to expand/collapseProblem Description


Click to expand/collapseBasic Set Up: Data File Description


Click to expand/collapseDefining the Initial Stratigraphy
Click to expand/collapseDefining the Layer Sedimentation Process
Click to expand/collapseAnalytical Solution



Click to expand/collapseResults