GeoInv_002 Pulse Decay Experiment


Experiment Background


Pulse-decay experiments are routinely used to measure petrophysical properties of tight cores by flowing helium under pressure gradient. The following figure illustrates the pulse-decay experimental set-up (Jia B. et al. 2017). The set-up mainly consists of four components, including first upstream reservoir U1, second upstream reservoir U2, core holder, and downstream reservoir D.



Pulse-decay experimental set-up (obtained from Jia B. et al. 2017)


There are three main stages in the experiment:

Stage 1: Gas injection by constant pressure with valves V1 and V2 opened, and V3 closed.

Stage 2: Pressure pulse introduced into U1 with V2 closed.

Stage 3: V2 is opened and V1 is closed. Pressure equilibrium attained over time.


In gas flow, it is important to account for Klinkenberg effect, in which the slip flow of gas at pore walls enhances gas flow when pore sizes are very small. This causes the measured permeability of gas to be higher than the absolute permeability of the sample.



Modelling Background and Target solution


The target solution is generated using a ParaGeo simulation which is provided in GeoInv_002\Reference_solution.


A core sample modelled in 2D with dimension of 0.408m x 0.000587m is prescribed with reservoir volume, pressure and temperature at both ends. The boundary conditions are defined via Supply_reservoir_boundary data structure.



Description of geometry and inlet/outlet boundaries



The data file is set for simulation of Stage 3 described in the Experiment Background section above. During this stage, the upstream pressure starts to decline while the downstream pressure rises. As shown in the plot below, when the two pressure curves approach one another, pressure equilibrium across the core sample gradually takes place.



Equilibrium attained over time as two pressure curves approach one another



Pressure distribution over time across core sample



Users may refer to the ParaGeo data file used to generate target solution for more details (GeoInv_002\Reference_solution). In the following, the key properties of core sample and helium gas as well as reservoir boundary supply conditions are tabled.  


Core Sample Properties


Young's modulus (MPa)


Poisson's ratio




Density (kg/m3)


Permeability (m2)




Helium Gas Properties/Model Setup


Equation state type

Ideal Gas

Gas deviation factor


Minimum gas pressure (Pa)


Gas universal constant (J/kmol/K)


Molecular weight (kg/kmol)


Klinkenberg slippage factor (Pa)


Viscosity (Pa.s)




Reservoir Boundary Supply



Volume (m3)



Pressure (Pa)



Temperature (0C)







Inverse Analysis data file description (.inp)


In this inverse analysis, the goal is to recover the permeability and Klinkenberg slippage factor of the core sample when using helium gas. The target solutions are the pore pressure evolution at both inlet and outlet of the core. Target solutions were generated from a ParaGeo simulation with the data set following the modelling descriptions above. Template data file, in this particular case, is the same as the target data file. It is used by ParaGeoInv to generate model data files during optimisation process. In the following, we focus on the descriptions of ParaGeoInv data file.


The ParaGeoInv data file for the project is: GEOINV_002\Data\Pulse_decay.dat.   The basic data includes:

1Application_data identifies the directory of ParaGeo solver

2Parameter_data sets optimisation parameters, including variable name, initial value, minimum/maximum values, corresponding data structure name and number

3NA_options defines the tuning parameters of Nearest Neighbour algorithm and convergence tolerance. Users are also given flexibility to manage (i.e. keep or delete) the generated test models.

4File_data identifies the directory of template, target and test files. The name of template file is also required.

5Misfit_data_set specifies type of data to be compared between target and model solutions. The computation of corresponding misfit value is based on selected error type.  

6Inverse_case chooses misfit data set(s) to be used. This data structure offers to run multiple cases, with the aim of homogenising the same optimisation variable.




Application_data defines control data for inverse analysis, including application platform for forward analysis, experiment type and optimisation algorithm to be used.


Data File



* Application_data

! -------------------------------

Application           "Parageo"

 Inversion_algorithm "NAInverse"

 Parageo_dir         "C:\parageo\x64"

 Experiment           "Material"

1ParaGeo is selected as the application platform.


2NAInverse (Nearest neighbour algorithm) is called. This is the only optimisation algorithm at the moment.


3Directory of ParaGeo is identified via Parageo_dir.


4Experiment type is set as 'Material'.  






Parameter_data defines parameter(s) and its range to be considered in inversion analysis.


Data File



* Parameter_data

! -------------------------------

 Name                       IDM=2

   "Permeability" "Klinkenberg_b"

 Type                       IDM=2

   0 0

 Value                      IDM=2

   1.0E-20  1E4  

 Minimum_value              IDM=2

   1.0E-20  1E4

 Maximum_value              IDM=2

   1.0E-17  1E6

 Variable_structure_name    IDM=2

   "Material_data" "Material_data"

 Variable_structure_number  IDM=2

   1 1


1Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio are set as optimisation parameters.


2Type keyword defines whether each of the parameters listed in Name keyword are going to be inverted (Type = 0) or have fixed values (Type =1). In this case both "Permeability" and "Klinkenberg_b" are to be solved.


3Value allows to define input values for parameters with fixed values (Type = 1). In the present case all parameters are inverted and therefore definition of Value keyword is not required and values input here will be ignored.


4The Minimum_value for "Permeability" and "Klinkenberg_b" are, respectively, 1E-20 and 1E4.


5The Maximum_value for "Permeability" and "Klinkenberg_b" are, respectively, 1E-17 and 1E6.


6Both "Permeability" and "Klinkenberg_b" are parameters associated with Material_data (Variable_structure_name) data structure with NUM=1 (Variable_structure_number) defined in the template data file.





NA_options defines the control options for the nearest neighbour algorithm.


Data File



* NA_options

! ---------------------------------

 Algorithm                       "Auto"

 Convergence_tolerance          1.0E-04

 Maximum_num_samples                 20

 Num_models_in_initial_sample         8

 Num_models_in_sample                 8

 Num_models_in_resample               4

 Model_delete_option         "KeepBest"

 Number_models_output                 5

 Model_clean_option          "KeepSpec"

 Model_results_keep               IDM=1



1Algorithm = "Auto" refers to termination of computation once convergence tolerance is satisfied.


2Convergence_tolerance is set at 0.0001.


3Maximum_num_samples is set to 20.


4There are 8 models in the initial sample (Num_models_in_initial_sample).


5There are 8 models in subsequent samples (Num_models_in_sample).


6The models for subsequent samples are generated (resampled) from the 4 most optimal models (Num_models_in_resample).


7Output the 5 most optimal models





File_data defines the working directories of data files that are crucial to the inversion analysis.


Data File



* File_data

! ---------------------------------

 Template_file        "GeoInv_002.dat"

 Template_directory       ".\Template"

 Target_directory           ".\Target"  

 Test_directory               ".\Test"    



1Template_file identifies the name of the template data file stored in Template_directory.


2Directory of target solution is specified in Target_directory.


3During optimisation computation, the generated model data files are stored in Test_directory.





Misfit_data_set specifies type of data to be compared between target and model solutions. The computation of corresponding misfit value is based on selected error type.  


Data File



* Misfit_data_set            NUM=11

! ---------------------------------

Error_type                  "RMS"

 Experiment_filename "GeoInv_002_ref_001.hdh"

 Experiment_variable_IDs     IDM=1


 Model_set_number                1

 Model_variable_IDs          IDM=1



* Misfit_data_set            NUM=12

! ---------------------------------

Error_type                  "RMS"

 Experiment_filename "GeoInv_002_ref_002.hdh"

 Experiment_variable_IDs     IDM=1


 Model_set_number                1

 Model_variable_IDs          IDM=1



1Misfit_data_set of NUM=11 and NUM=12 correspond to results for the inlet and outlet reservoir boundaries respectively. Here only the data relative to Misfit_data_set NUM=11 is discussed as the data for Misfit_data_set NUM=12 is defined in the same manner


2Error_type based on root mean square is specified (RMS).


3The target solution is stored in the "GeoInv_002_ref_001.hdh" history file and is referenced in Experiment_filename keyword.


4Experiment_variable_IDs (Target solution variable name) with the ID of "Pore_nod_ave" is specified (which corresponds to average nodal pore pressure).


5Model_set_number is set as 1. This identifies the History_point NUM=1 defined in the template data file as the source data structure for the model variable to be compared to the target solution variable.


6Model_variable_IDs "Pore_nod_ave" is specified. It will be compared against the target solution "Pore_nod_ave".






Inverse_case chooses misfit data set(s) to be used.


Data File



* Inverse_case                NUM=1

! ---------------------------------

 File_data_num                   1

 Misfit_data_sets            IDM=2

   11 12



1Inversion analysis is performed using data files and folders specified in File_data NUM=1 (as specified in File_data_num = 1), and misfit data sets NUM=11 and NUM=12.






The result files for the project are in directory: GeoInv_002\Results


The inverse analysis has finalised after performing 168 model simulations without satisfying the imposed convergence criteria. This corresponds to the initial sample of 8 models plus 20 samples of 8 models each. Hence, for the present case the criteria for finalising the inverse analysis has been to reach the maximum number of samples (set to 20).  The best model (model number 161) is reported as the optimal model which has a misfit of 2.25E-04 (with the convergence criteria being 1.0E-4). After such maximum number of samples-triggered termination one may asses whether the optimal model reproduces the target observations with a satisfactory accuracy. As can be seen in the final figure, the found optimal values lead to a solution that has a peak error of c.a. 1.4 % at 92 s in the pore pressure measured at the outlet which may be low enough to be acceptable (this will depend on the purposes).


Misfit Value



Reduction of misfit towards value lower than 1% error



Optimal Permeability



Nearest Neighbour algorithm searching for optimal Young's modulus



Optimal Klinkenberg Slippage Factor



Nearest Neighbour algorithm searching for optimal Klinkenberg slippage factor



Comparison with Target Solution



Low percentage difference in comparison against target solutions





Jia, B., Tsau, J., Barati, R. 2017. Evaluation of Core Heterogeneity Effect on Pulse-Decay Experiment. 31st International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts.