Val_004b Strip Footing Collapse

Problem Description


A strip footing lying on soil (assumed to be infinite medium) is subjected to vertical pressure through prescribed displacement u until the bearing capacity of the footing Plim is reached. This limit load is predicted using von-Mises elastoplasticity model. A plot of normalised pressure vs. normalised settlement is to be plotted. The simulation model is constrained with symmetry boundary conditions on the right, left and bottom boundaries. Part of the boundary with length B/2 is prescribed with downward displacement of 2m, as illustrated below.







Problem description

Simulation model






B (m)


L (m)


Young's modulus, E (MPa)


Poisson's ratio, ν


Yield stress, σy (MPa)


Geometry parameters and material properties



The theoretical limit load for this problem was derived by Hill, expressed by




Mesh Discretisation


Fifteen element types have been used in this test case, with 12 element types for implicit analysis and 3 types for explicit analysis. It is noted that the standard linear triangular and tetrahedral-based elements are not recommended for this test case. The followings illustrate some examples of meshed models that have been used in 2D and 3D cases. The purpose of using fine-sized triangular and quadrilateral meshes is to plot more distinct plastic strain contour in the final results. If users only seek to predict the limit load of the model, coarser mesh would have served this purpose well.



Example of meshed models for 2D and 3D cases



Data File Descriptions


The data files for the different element types are in Val_004\strip_footing. The different cases are in different sub-folders according to the dimensions (2D/3D), solver (explicit/implicit) and element type used for each specific case.


The basic data includes:

1Geometry_data imports geometry file for 3D cases in *.geo format that has been created using Gmsh and made compatible using ParaGeo pre-processing procedures. In 2D cases, the geometry is created directly through data file without the aforementioned pre-processing.

2Geometry_set groups multiple geometry entities under convenient geometry set names.

3Group_control_data activates geomechanical field for the current simulation group.

4Group_data sets the group name, element type, material name, porous flow type and the associated volume entity.

5Material_data defines the material properties of the model.

6Support_data constrains the displacement freedom on each surface accordingly.

7Global_loads defines the prescribed displacement loading on the geometry set associated with the vertical pressure of the strip footing.

8Damping_global_data sets a global damping ratio of 2%.

9Control_data defines the solution algorithm (e.g. 1 for explicit transient dynamic algorithm, 7 for nonlinear implicit algorithm), termination time, etc.


Only key data structures are shown below.




Group_data sets the group name, element type, material name, porous flow type and the associated volume entity.


Data File



* Group_data               NUM=1  

! -------------------------------

Group_name             "Sample"

 Element_type            "HEX8M"

 Material_name     "CylinderMat"

 Porous_flow_type              0

 Volumes  IDM=1


1Group name and material name are defined.


2Porous flow type 0 (corresponding to non-porous media) is defined.


3Volume set 1 is registered to be associated with the current group data structure.


4Element types that are used in this example include


(a) Implicit analysis

Element Type

Element Descriptions


2D 4-noded quadrilateral plane strain element


2D 4-noded quadrilateral plane strain mixed element


2D 8-noded quadrilateral plane strain element


2D 8-noded quadrilateral plane strain mixed element


2D 3-noded plane strain mixed element


2D 6-noded triangular plane strain element


2D 3-noded triangular plane strain mixed mixed element


3D 8-noded hexahedral mixed element


3D 20-noded hexahedral mixed element


3D 4-noded tetrahedral mixed element


3D 10-noded tetrahedral element


3D 10-noded tetrahedral mixed element


(b) Explicit analysis

Element Type

Element Descriptions


2D 4-noded quadrilateral plane strain element


2D 6-noded triangular plane strain element


3D 8-noded hexahedral element






Material_data defines the material properties of the model.


Data File



* Material_data               NUM=1

! ---------------------------------

 Material_name        "FootingMat"

 Grain_density                2600                

 Grain_stiffness             30000

 Elastic_properties          IDM=2              

  /Young's Modulus/            1E4

 /Poisson's ratio/           0.48

 Plastic_material_type                    7

 Plastic_properties                IDM=1

 /Yield Strength/            0.8487

 Hardening_type                            7

 Hardening_properties                IDM=2         JDM=2

  /Effective plastic strain/        0      1.00

  /Yield strength/                        0.8487 0.90


1Material name is defined as "CylinderMat".

2Grain properties (density = 2600 kg/m3 and stiffness) are defined.

3Elastic properties (Young's modulus = 104MPa, Poisson's ratio = 0.48) are defined.

4Plastic material type 7, corresponding to von-Mises elastoplastic model is defined.

5The yield strength of von-Mises model is defined as 0.8487 MPa.

6Hardening properties are defined with prescribed hardening slope that allows visualisation of plastic strain contour at the brink of collapse.





Global_loads defines the prescribed surface normal load on the geometry set associated with the cylinder internal surface.


Data File



* Global_loads

! ---------------------------------

 Prescribed_displacement      IDM=3 JDM=1

  /Set 1/                     0  0  -2.0

 Pres_displacement_geom_set         IDM=1


 Pres_displacement_geom_ass         IDM=1



1Vertical displacement -2.0m (along z direction) is prescribed on the geometry set "load_surf".






Overall, the simulation results converge to the theoretical limit load. The plots almost overlap each other from the initial loading stage towards the limit load. Slight hardening has been implemented in order to visualise the collapse on the plot, i.e., significant increase in settlement driven by a small increment in the applied pressure. The prediction difference among the tested elements is only augmented towards the limit load. The plateau corresponds to the theoretical limit load ratio (Plim/c ≈ 5.14).


Load-displacement curve for strip-footing collapse problem. Comparison of numerical solutions derived from different elements with theoretical limit for both 2D and 3D cases.



The following figures show the results of strip-footing model. Plastic strain and effective mean stress are plotted at the final time step. As the load increases, strain localisation gradually develops to form a pattern resembling curvilinear line, which is consistent with the slip-line field solution by Hill. These elements also demonstrate consistent results in terms of effective mean stress, particularly in the vicinity of the loading area.



Plastic strain contour on selected element types




Effective mean stress contour on selected element types





[1] Hill, R. (1989). The Mathematical Theory of Plasticity (pp. 106, 254). New York: Oxford University Press.

[2] Neto., E., Peric, D., & Owen, D. (2013). Computational Methods for Plasticity. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.