The aim of this example is to demonstrate procedures for importing the modified fracture data file from Fract_001 and running a simple steady-state flow (solved in a single time step) across the fractured medium. The simulation domain is the same as the example in Fract_001. In this example, we define a set of boundary conditions for the fractured sample as follows. Higher pore pressure is prescribed on the east and south boundaries, whereas lower pore pressure is prescribed on the west and north boundaries. The history of fluid volume and flow rate on the latter two boundaries are recorded. In addition, all surfaces are prescribed with symmetry boundary conditions, i.e., displacement is restricted in the direction normal to the individual surface. The mesh size is set to be 10m.
Material Properties The properties used in this simulation test are listed below.
The additional material parameters related to the porous flow field are:
The additional material parameters related to the contact surfaces are:
The data file for the example is in: fract_002\Data\fract_002.dat. The basic data includes: 1Include imports FracMan-formatted modified fracture data from Fract_001. 2Contact_global defines the Contact_flow_flag=1 so that fluid may flow on the contact surfaces. 3Contact_property defines the mechanical and flow properties on the contact surfaces that are associated with the imported fracture data. 4Fracture_set assigns the fracture data to the contact property and volume geometry. 5Global_loads prescribes pore pressure on the surfaces as described above. 6History_surface outputs the flow history data in terms of fluid volume and volume flow rate on the assigned geometry sets. 7Couple_control_data assigns respective fields that are coupled. In this case, they are geomechanical and porous flow fields. 8Porous_flow_control_data sets the solution algorithm for porous flow field.
Note that only key data structures are described below. |
Include imports FracMan-formatted fracture data.
Contact_global defines the Contact_flow_flag=1 so that fluid may flow on the contact surfaces.
Contact_property defines the mechanical and flow properties on the contact surfaces that are associated with the imported fracture data.
Fracture_set assigns the fracture data to the contact property and volume geometry as well as defining flag associated with discrete fracture surfaces.
Global_loads prescribes pore pressure on the surfaces as described above.
History_surface outputs the flow history data in terms of fluid volume and volume flow rate on the assigned geometry sets.
Couple_control_data assigns respective fields that are coupled. In this case, they are geomechanical and porous flow fields.
Porous_flow_control_data defines the solution algorithm for porous flow field.
The result files for this example is available in directory: fract_002\Results. The fluid volume and flow rate on the outlet surfaces are computed as follows. These values are used as benchmark for the homogenisation simulations in Fract_004 .