Val_005c Oil and Gas Expulsion

Problem Description


The user is assumed to have undertaken the examples Val_005a and Val_005b beforehand.


The process of oil and gas expulsion and the consequent porosity change and pore pressure generation (highlighted in Figure 1) are described here. Five thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) field simulations, one for each of the five pre-defined kerogen organofacies A, B, C, D/E utilising the default kerogen kinetics parameters are performed.  The ParaGeo results for expulsion are compared against the results presented in Pepper and Corvi (1995b) - [Figures 20 and 21].  Also presented are the results of porosity change and pore pressure generation resulting from the oil and gas expulsion. Note that a THM coupled simulation is required in order to model the pore pressure generation.







Figure 1: Scheme of petroleum generation, cracking, expulsion, porosity change and pore pressure generation. Highlighted processes are the (a) expulsion of Oil and Gas (b) porosity change and (c) pore pressure generation.





The hydrocarbon kinetics default input parameters for the oil and gas expulsion for the different organofacies A - F are shown in Table 1 below. Note that due to lack of firm experimental evidence, Pepper and Corvi (1995b) assume the global constants for aG and aO as shown in Table 1. Other parameters shown in Table 1 are from calibration of the ParaGeo results to the organofacies "B" results presented in Pepper and Corvi (1995b) - [Figure 20].


Hydrocarbon kinetics parameter


Kerogen gas sorption, aG

0.02 g/gC

Kerogen oil sorption, aO

0.10 g/gC

Carbon fraction oil, WO


Carbon fraction gas, WG


Table 1: Hydrocarbon kinetics oil and gas expulsion default input parameters



Data File Description


The data files for the oil and gas expulsion process are in ParaGeo Examples\Validation\Val_005\Val_005c\Data. The model data for each of the organofacies types A - F is similar to Val_005a (default case) with the exception of the hydrocarbon kinetics data and the inclusion of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) field data to model the pore pressure generation. Only the key data structures are described here.




Hydrocarbon_kinetics defines the assignment and processing data associated with hydrocarbon kinetics, e.g. vitrinite maturation, oil -> gas cracking, hydrocarbon expulsion, hydrocarbon density for porosity update and pore pressure generation.


Data File



* Hydrocarbon_kinetics           NUM=0

! ------------------------------------

 Maturation_model            'EasyRo'

 Oil_gas_cracking_model      GaussHI

 Oil_gas_cracking_premult    0.1E15

 Kerogen_gas_sorption        0.02

 Kerogen_oil_sorption        0.10

 Carbon_fraction_oil         0.85

 Carbon_fraction_gas         0.85

 Hydrocarbon_density_model    "Constant"

 Hydrocarbon_density_properties  IDM=1



1Kerogen gas sorption coefficient aG is defined as 0.02 g/gC.

2Kerogen oil sorption coefficient aO is defined as 0.1 g/gC.

3Weight fraction of carbon in hydrocarbons in both oil and gas are set to 0.85 (i.e. 85%).





Group Data


Group data

Group_data defines the group name, element type number, material number, kerogen property name, porous flow type and the associated surface entity.


Data File



* Group_data               NUM=1  

! -------------------------------

 Group_name      "Default-1"

 Element_type_number     7

 Material_number           1

 Kerogen_assignment     "kerogen1"

 Surfaces   IDM=1


Porous_flow_type      4


1Group name and material number are defined.

2Porous_flow_type 4 corresponding to coupled geomechanical/porous flow.

3Element_type_number 7 corresponds to QPM4 for a 4-node 2D plane strain element .

4Kerogen_assignment defines the name of the kerogen property set "kerogen1" assigned to the group.



Group control data

Group_control_data activates the geomechanical, porous and thermal fields for the current simulation group.


Data File



* Group_control_data

! -------------------------------

 Group_numbers  IDM=1


 Active_thermal_groups        IDM=1


 Active_geomechanical_groups  IDM=1


 Active_porous_flow_groups    IDM=1



1Group_control_data activates the geomechanical, porous and thermal fields for the current simulation group.




Material Data


Material_data defines the geomechanical, porous and thermal field material properties of the model.


Data File



* Material_data               NUM=1

! ---------------------------------

 Material_name            "Sand"      

 Isotropic_elastic_properties     IDM=2

   /Young's Modulus/                  2000

   /Poisson's Ratio/                 0.250

 Grain_stiffness                     30000   ! Grain stifness

 Permeability_type                       1   !  Permeability vs. Porosity

 Permeability                        1E-13

 Biot_constant                     1.00000

 Fluid_saturation                      1.0

 Grain_density             2500

 Grain_conductivity_type      1

 Grain_conductivity           1

 Grain_specific_heat       1E-3

 Porosity                  0.20

 Singlephase_fluid            1


1Material name is defined as "Sand".

2Grain density = 2500 kg/m3 is defined.

3Grain conductivity type is defined as isotropic.

4Isotropic grain conductivity is defined as 1 and grain specific heat is defined as 1E-3. These data are required to be defined but are inconsequential in this example as the temperature is fully prescribed.

5Porosity is defined as 0.2.

6Fluid_properties number 1 is assigned to the material.



Support Data


Support_data fully constrains the displacement in both X and Y directions and the temperature on the surface entity.


Data File



* Support_data               NUM=1

! ---------------------------------------

 Displacement_codes IDM=2 JDM=1

   1  1

 Displacement_code_surfaces   IDM=1 JDM=2



 Temperature_codes    IDM=1  JDM=1


 Temperature_code_surfaces   IDM=1 JDM=2




1The surface entity is fully constrained in both the X and Y directions.

2Temperature constraint is also defined for the surface entity.




Control data


Couple Control Data

Couple_control_data data structure defines the active fields (i.e. geomechanical, porous flow and thermal) for the analysis and additional data to control the coupling process.


Data File



* Couple_control_data

! ---------------------------------

 Solution_algorithm           "Incremental"

 Volume_strain_coupling              "None"

 Volume_update_model       "Variable_group"

 Field_names             IDM=3





1.Couple_control_data data structure defines the active fields (i.e. geomechanical, porous flow and thermal) for the analysis and additional data to control the coupling process.

2. An incremental staggered solution algorithm is defined.

3.Volume_strain_coupling is set to "None" - no loading due to volume strain in the porous flow field.

4.Volume_update_model is set to "Variable_group".




Solution Control Data for Coupled Geomechanical/Porous Flow/Thermal

In this example, the data for the porous flow and thermal fields can be set using the default values so that only the Control_data data structures are specified.


Data File



* Control_data

! -------------------------------------

 Control_title               "Initial"

 Solution_algorithm              4

 Initial_time_step             0.5

 Maximum_time_step_growth      100

 Minimum_time_step             0.1

 Maximum_time_step             0.5

 Maximum_number_time_steps 1000000

 Termination_time               90

 Output_frequency_plotfile      -1

 Output_frequency_restart        0

 Screen_message_frequency       10

 Output_time_plotfile           10

 Output_time_restart             0

 Screen_message_time             0



1.Control_data data structure defines the coupled geomechanical/porous flow/thermal solution data for the stage.

2.The key control data comprise:

a.Solution_algorithm set to 4 (incremental transient algorithm) which allows more iterations in an increment if the solution is not converged.

b.Time step size is set to 0.5 Ma.

c.A plot file is output every 10 Ma.

d.Termination time is set to 90 Ma.





Results for Expulsion of Oil and Gas


The results files for the oil and gas expulsion for kerogen organofacies types A - F are in ParaGeo Examples\Validation\Val_005\Val_005c\Results. In this directory, the spreadsheet mat_kerogen_expulsion.xlsx contains:

history results output from the simulations.

comparison plots of retention profiles and expulsion profiles against the results presented by Pepper and Corvi (1995b) - [Figures 20 and 21] for organofacies types A - F (see Figure 2, Figure 3, Table 2 and Table 3).

plots of porosity change for organofacies types A - F (Figure 4a).

plots of pore pressure generation for organofacies types A - F (Figure 4b).



Results for Expulsion of Oil and Gas

Comparison of ParaGeo vs Pepper and Corvi (1995b) - Figures 20 and 21] results are presented for:

Retention profiles and Expulsion profiles (Figure 2 and Figure 3).

Expelled gas fractions (Table 2).

Threshold temperature for oil expulsion (Table 3).



Figure 2 and Figure 3 below shows a comparison of the ParaGeo results (using default parameters listed in Table 1) for retention and expulsion profiles against the results presented by Pepper and Corvi (1995b) - [Figure 20 for 'B' and Figure 21 for 'A-F'] for organofacies types A - F.  Note that the reference profiles are of poor quality as highlighted for the A case expulsion profile where the reference fraction is shown to be greater than 1 which is not possible.  The poor quality reference profiles are also highlighted for the B case where the ParaGeo results are overlaid onto both sets of reference profiles - the first set against Figure 20 of the reference show excellent correlation in the profiles in contrast to the second set.


Despite the poor quality reference profiles for retention and expulsion, the comparison plots against ParaGeo show similar results.  The similarity is ascertained with the comparisons for the expelled gas fractions (Table 2) with a % difference of 0 - 1.5 and threshold temperatures for oil expulsion (Table 3) with a % difference of 0.9 - 2.5.



ParaGeo vs Pepper and Corvi (1995b) - [Figures 20 and 21]

(a) Retention profiles

(b) Expulsion profiles
















Figure 2: ParaGeo vs Pepper and Corvi (1995b) - [Figures 20 and 21]: (a) Retention profiles and (b) Expulsion profiles for organofacies types A - F.





Calibration for a better fit to the reference solution is performed for organofacies DE with a carbon fraction of oil (Wo) parameter set to 0.80 (from 0.85).  The improved results are shown in Figure 3 below.



ParaGeo vs Pepper and Corvi (1995b) - [Figure 21]

(a) Retention profiles

(b) Expulsion profiles




Figure 3: ParaGeo vs Pepper and Corvi (1995b) - [Figures 20 and 21]: (a) Retention profiles and (b) Expulsion profiles for organofacies type DE after calibration of Wo=0.80.






Table 2 below shows a comparison of the ParaGeo results (with default parameters and one calibration) for expelled gas fractions against the results presented by Pepper and Corvi (1995b) for organofacies types A - F.  The fraction of gas expelled is a perfect match to the reference solution for all organofacies apart from the DE case with a 4.6% difference.  This correlation to the reference solution was shown to improve to a 1.5% difference with calibration of Wo = 0.8 (from 0.85).



Expelled gas fraction

Pepper and Corvi (1995b)



% Difference













D/E -> Wo = 0.8 calibration


0.68 -> 0.66

4.6 -> 1.5





Table 2: ParaGeo vs Pepper and Corvi (1995b): Expelled gas fractions for organofacies types A - F




Table 3 below shows a comparison of the ParaGeo results (with default parameters and one calibration) for the threshold temperature for oil expulsion against the results presented by Pepper and Corvi (1995b) for organofacies types A - F.  This shows excellent correlation between the two sets of results.



Threshold temperature for oil expulsion

Pepper and Corvi (1995b)


% Difference













D/E -> Wo = 0.8 calibration








Table 3: ParaGeo vs Pepper and Corvi (1995b): Threshold temperature for oil expulsion for organofacies types A - F




Results for Porosity change and Pore pressure generation


Figure 4 below shows the ParaGeo results for (a) porosity change and (b) pore pressure generation resulting from the oil and gas expulsion for organofacies types A - F.  The change in porosity is decreasing from A -> F, this is in line with the increasing amount of inert kerogen from A -> F.  The amount of pore pressure generation for organofacies A, B and C is observed to be much greater than those for organofacies D/E and F, however, not following the trend of porosity change exactly.  This is due to the different hydrocarbon densities defined for A - F.


Note that  the amount of pore pressure generated is artificially high due to the pseudo-artificial conditions of the single element model.  A more suitable example to observe overpressure due to hydrocarbon generation would be a uniaxial column with sediment compaction and increasing temperature with burial Kin_001.



ParaGeo results

Inert Kerogen (CKI)

Hydrocarbon density (kg/m3)

(a) Porosity change

(b) Pore pressure generation


















Figure 4: ParaGeo results for (a) porosity change and (b) pore pressure generation resulting from the oil and gas expulsion for organofacies types A - F








[1] Pepper, A.S. and Corvi, P.J. (1995(a)): Simple kinetic models of petroleum formation. Part I: Oil and gas generation from kerogen. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 12(3) 291–319. 1995(a).

[2] Pepper, A.S., Dodd, T.A. (1995): Simple kinetic models of petroleum formation. Part II: Oil-gas cracking. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 12(3) 321-340.

[3] Pepper, A.S. and Corvi, P.J. (1995(b)): Simple kinetic models of petroleum formation. Part III: Modelling an open system. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 12(4) 417-452.

[4] Sweeney, J.J. & Burnham, A.K. (1990): Evaluation of a simple model of vitrinite reflectance based on chemical kinetics. AAPG Bull. 74 10., 1559 – 1570.