Case01 Time-dependent Cement Hardening with Diagenetic Shrinkage


In this example a 3D cased and cemented wellbore model will be modelled. The focus of this example will be the influence of cement hardening on the stresses and strains in the cement and formation. The model geometry considers a quarter symmetry (normal displacements constrained on the symmetry boundaries). The dimensions are indicated in the figure below. The various components are discretized into tetrahedral elements with finer mesh at the wellbore and contact interfaces.


Units of the model for stress, length, time and temperature are Pa, m, hours and Celsius respectively.  The simulation run completes in <2 minutes on a 3.6 GHz AMD processor machine.




View of the wellbore model geometry (quarter-symmetry)



The simulation comprises five stages with the timings summarized in the table below :


Stage #


Duration (hours)

Time lapse (hours)

Stage 1

Pre-drill initialization


0 - 1

Stage 2

Drilling + Casing/Cement installation


1 - 11

Stage 3

Cement hardening


11 - 51

Stage 4

Start of injection (ramp up)


51 - 51.01

Stage 5

Constant injection


51.01 - 52.01


Stage 1: Pre-drill initialization in a single step

1.Apply initial geostatic condition (stresses, pore pressure and temperature) to the various wellbore components:

i.Formation:  Effective stresses of σx' = -2.3·106  Pa, σy' = -3.4·106 Pa, σz' = -6.3·106 Pa, an initial pore pressure of Pp = 21·106 Pa and an initial temperature of To = 132°C.

ii.Cement (slurry):  Total stresses of σx = -23.3·106 Pa, σy = -24.4·106 Pa, σz = -27.3·106 Pa (i.e. Pp = 0 Pa) and an initial temperature of To = 132°C.  Note that due to plasticity in the very weak cement material defined with very low yield strength in this stage, the cement stresses become hydrostatic at -25·106 Pa.  Note that porous flow for the cement is de-activated.

iii.Casing:  Total stresses of σx = -23.3·106 Pa, σy = -24.4·106 Pa, σz = -27.3·106 Pa (i.e. Pp = 0 Pa) and an initial temperature of To = 132°C. Note that porous flow for the casing is de-activated.

Note that the total stress (effective stress + pore pressure) values are the same for all the above wellbore components.

2.Apply appropriate constraints:

i.Pore pressure - Apply a pore pressure constraint to the outer/'far-field' boundary surfaces of the formation.

ii.Temperature - Apply a temperature constraint to all volumes of the three wellbore components (casing, cement, formation).

iii.Mechanical - Apply constraints to all external boundaries:

Symmetry and far-field boundaries : Fix the displacements in the perpendicular direction for outer/'far-field' boundary and all symmetry surfaces.

Base and top: Fix vertical displacements for the base and top surfaces for all three wellbore components. Note that the top geometry surfaces are defined as separate geometry sets as these will be treated differently in a later simulation stage.

Inner casing and contact interfaces: Fix the X and Y displacements on the inner casing wall and the casing/cement and cement/formation contact interface (hanging wall and footwall) surfaces.


At the end of this stage, initial conditions (stress, pore pressure and temperature) for all wellbore components are established.  In addition, prerequisite data for constrain release (which takes place in the next stage) of the well surfaces and top of the cement has been defined.





Schematic of initial geostatic condition and and constraints during pre-drill initialization phase



Stage 2: Drilling + Casing/Cement installation

1.Constraint release: The constraints on the top of the cement, casing inner wall and at the casing/cement and cement/formation contact surfaces are removed and equivalent stresses slowly ramped down to zero over the stage duration using the Constraint_relaxation data structure.

i.Casing and cement slurry: Mud stress σm of 23·106 Pa (i.e. 2·106 Pa above Pp) is applied to the inner casing surface and top of the cement slurry.  This stress is slowly ramped up as the constraints are relaxed down to zero.

2.Vertical constraints (cement slurry): To allow the stresses in the cement to remain hydrostatic during the relaxation process, movement in the cement is allowed but with the displacements at the top of the cement coupled in Z.


At the end of this stage, contact stresses at the casing/cement and cement/formation are established and the cement slurry stress remain hydrostatic.





Schematic of boundary conditions during drilling + casing/cement installation phase


Stage 3: Cement hardening

1.Cement material von Mises yield strength is increased from 0.02·106 Pa to 50·106 Pa over the stage duration to represent the cement in its fluid state (slurry) and hardened/cured state.

2.Associated cement shrinkage is represented via a diagenetic reaction porosity power law model which is temperature independent.

3.Top of cement is fixed in Z-displacements.  This vertical constraint replaces the mud stress and coupled Z-displacements in the previous stage.


At the end of this stage, the cement is deemed to have cured and hardened with resulting volumetric shrinkage.





Schematic of cement hardening phase


Stage 4: Start of injection

Injection loading on the inner casing surface is represented with a temperature reduction from 132°C to 72°C.  This load is slowly ramped down via an s-curve ramp over the stage duration.


Stage 5: Constant injection

A constant injection temperature of 72°C is applied on the inner casing surface throughout the stage.



Material Properties

The materials are defined in a separate file named Wellbore_001_Case01.mat which is included in the main datafile using the command Include. The properties for the different wellbore components are defined as:

Sandstone (Formation) - elastic

Casing - elastic

Cement (slurry -> hardened) - von Mises plasticity model with time-dependent hardening and diagenesis data (see later for more detailed description)


The properties are summarized in the tables below:



Sandstone (Formation)


Cement (Slurry -> Hardened)

Grain Stiffness, Kg

50 GPa

50 GPa

50 GPa

Grain density, ρg

2700 Kg/m3

2700 kg/m3

2700 kg/m3





Young's Modulus, E

10 GPa

206.8 GPa

22.1707 GPa

Poisson's Ratio, υ




Plastic material type



7 (von Mises)

Yield stress, σy



0.02 MPa -> 50 MPa


The additional material parameters related to the porous flow and thermal fields are:





Cement (Slurry)

Permeability type

1 (Constant isotropic)

1 (Constant isotropic)

1 (Constant isotropic)

Permeability (k)

1·10-12 m2

1·10-22 m2

1·10-22 m2

Biot constant (α)




Fluid saturation (Sf)




Single phase fluid

1 (Water)

1 (Water)

1 (Water)

Grain conductivity type

1 (Isotropic)

1 (Isotropic)

1 (Isotropic)

Grain thermal conductivity

1.80E+04 (N.m/hr)/m/K  (i.e. 5 *W/m/K)

1.80E+05 (N.m/hr)/m/K  (i.e. 50 *W/m/K)

9.0E+04 (N.m/hr)/m/K  (i.e. 25 *W/m/K)

Grain specific heat capacity

810 J/kg/K

500 J/kg/K

1000 J/kg/K

Linear thermal expansion coefficient

6·10-6 K-1

13·10-6 K-1

5·10-6 K-1

Grain thermal expansion coefficient

18·10-6 K-1

39·10-6 K-1

15·10-6 K-1


Fluid Properties

The principal parameters, including thermal, for the pore "water" are:




Stiffness, Kw

2 GPa

Density, ρw

1040 kg/m3

Viscosity, μw

1·10-3 Pa· s (1cP)

Fluid thermal conductivity

2196 (N.m/hr)/m/K  (i.e. 0.61 *W/m/K)

Fluid specific heat capacity

4000 J/kg/K

Fluid thermal expansion coefficient

69·10-6 K-1


*W/m/K or (N.m/s)/m/K

Note that in order to model shrinkage/expansion due to temperature, the thermal expansion coefficient data must be defined for the solid material and fluid data.



The data files for the examples are in directory: ParaGeo_Tutorial_Examples\Wellbore_001\Case01\Data.



Click to expand/collapseMaterial data include file "Wellbore_001_Case01.mat"



Click to expand/collapseGeometry and group data include file "Wellbore_001_Case01.geometry"


Click to expand/collapseContact data include file ""


Click to expand/collapseKey data for initialization stage 1


Click to expand/collapseKey data for drilling + casing/cement installation stage 2


Click to expand/collapseKey data for cement hardening stage 3


Click to expand/collapseKey data for injection ramp up stage 4


Click to expand/collapseKey data for constant injection stage 5




The result files for the project are in directory: ParaGeo_Tutorial_Examples\Wellbore_001\Case01\Results.


The results below show the temperature distribution in the wellbore model at various stages of the simulation.




Temperature distribution in the wellbore model at various times



The results below show the volumetric strain distribution in the wellbore model at various stages of the simulation. Shrinkage (negative volumetric strain) of the cement is observed at the end of stage 3 (cement hardening) due to diagenetic reaction.  Further reduction in temperature (cooling) from 132°C to 72°C during the injection stages 4 and 5 on the inner casing wall results in further shrinkage of the cement and contraction of the casing.




Volumetric strain distributions in the wellbore model



The results below of the displacement vectors at the end of the cement hardening stage highlights the cement shrinkage.




Displacement vectors at the end of cement hardening stage




The timings for the various stages are summarized in plot (a) below.  Also shown in (a) are the monitoring points in the cement and formation from which the graphical plots (b and d) of stresses and strains are presented. Contact stresses at the cement/formation interface are shown in (c).


Plots of stresses and strains (b) primarily shows:

Stage 2 Drilling + casing/cement installation phase: During drilling, the volume strain in the cement is shown to slightly increase with corresponding reduction in effective mean stress. Note that as the cement is assigned low deviatoric strength (to approximate its fluid state), the deviatoric stress is very low. 


Stage 3 Cement hardening:

othe von Mises yield strength of the cement is increased from the slurry yield strength 20·103 Pa to a 'hardened' yield strength of 50·106 Pa.

odiagenetic reaction during the cement hardening process resulting in porosity change independent of temperature causes c.a. 0.09% bulk shrinkage in the cement as observed by the decrease in the volume strain plot (b-vi).


A consequence of the cement shrinkage is a reduction in the contact stresses as observed in the average contact normal total stress plot (c). This reduction in contact stresses allows elastic expansion of the cement which partially compensates for the cement shrinkage.  In turn, this elastic expansion results in a reduction in the effective mean stress as observed in plot (b-i).



(a) Description of simulation stages and associated timings and monitoring points in cement and formation for graphical plots below



(b) Plots of stresses and strains in the cement and formation monitoring points



(c) Plots of average contact normal total stresses at the cement/formation interface


Stage 4 and 5 Injection: During stages 4 and 5 injection, the temperature at the casing inner wall is reduced from 132°C to 72°C.  Over time, the reduced temperature front gradually reaches the cement and formation monitoring points and its influence on the stresses and strains are shown in plot (d) below.  The main observations from the temperature reduction are decrease in volumetric strain and increase in effective mean stress.



(d) Plots of stresses and strains in the cement and formation monitoring points from start till end of simulation