ParaGeo geometry generation


In this manual page the datafile for generation of the ParaGeo geometry and ParaGeo reservoir mesh in IX format will be described. Note that in this example the ParaGeo geometry is generated simultaneously to the IX .bin file. There may be cases however in which the starting .geo file is already created and only the .bin file need to be generated. At the end of this page after the results section some considerations for such case are provided.


Basic Set Up: Data file description

The initial data file for the project is: IX_002\Generation\IX_002_gen.dat.   The basic data includes:

1Units data structure defining the units for the simulation

2Geometry_set data defining the boundaries and the different sediment volumes of the model.

3Stratigraphy data (Stratigraphy_definition and Stratigraphy_horizon data structures) to identify the top surface of the model.

4Group_data for two groups (reservoir and shale) and Group_control_data to define geomechanical field active for both groups.

5A Material_data and Fluid_properties data structures defining the reservoir and shale material properties.

6Support_data defining the displacement and pore pressure constrains.

7Mesh control (Mesh_control) and Structured mesh generation data (Structured_mesh_data and several Structured_line_set) defining a the mesh for the problem.

8Time_scaling_data defining a target optimal time step of 0.5E-4 years.

9Damping_global_data defining bulk viscosity damping.

10Control data (Control_data) for two stages defining:

(a)  Incremental solution algorithm (Type 1),

(b)  Maximum number of time steps of 1. We only require to run a single time step as the objective is to generate the geometry and mesh for the simulation.

(c)  Duration time of t=1.

(d)  Factor of critical time step = 0.5,

(e)  Plot file output every 0.2 time units,

(f)  Plot file output at the end of the stage,

(g)  Screen message output every 1000 mech steps,

11Util_write_geometry data to output the .geo file

12Reservoir_coupling_data used to request output of the .bin mesh file for IX.

13Geometry data (nodal_data, Geometry_line , Geometry_surface and Geometry_volume ) for definition of the 3D geometry.




The result files for the project are in directory: IX_002\Generation\Results  


The following files which will be used in the simulation are generated:

IX_002_geom.geo (ParaGeo geometry file)

IX_002_gen_ix.bin (ParaGeo reservoir mesh in IX format)



ParaGeo geometry and mesh generated.



Considerations for generation of the .bin file only

The present case has covered an example in which both the ParaGeo .geo file and IX .bin file are generated. However there may be cases in which the .geo file is already available (as it has been previously generated) and the target is to generate the .bin file only. Here some considerations to take into account in such case are provided.


External ParaGeo Geometry

Data File



* Geometry_data

! ----------------------------                

 File_name       Example.geo

 File_format             hdf


1.The Geometry_data data structure is used to read the .geo file containing the ParaGeo geometry and mesh

2.For this case the datafile to generate the .bin file should not contain any other geometry data (nodal_data, Geometry_line, Geometry_surface or Geometry_volume) nor mesh data.

3.It should be noted that the .geo file may contain other data in addition to geometry and mesh. In some cases such additional data structures may contain other data structures assigned to it (e.g. a Time_curve may be assigned to Stratigraphy_surface_load data structure stored in the .geo file). Hence if the assigned time curve is not defined in the datafile the code will return an error. Thus two options can be undertaken in such cases:

a.Edit the .geo file to delete not required data structures that interfere with the .bin generation (e.g. using HDFView).

b.Define the time curves required (with the appropriate number) to run the datafile. In this case it is recommended to define a constant load factor of 0.0 to such time curve in order to make sure that there is no loading that could lead to small displacements during the generation of the .bin file.

4.As in the example described in this tutorial page, it is recommended to define only the minimal data required to generate the .bin file (e.g. Group_data, Geometry_set, Control_data, etc). As the target in to generate a .bin file only any loading data is irrelevant and is recommended to not be activated.

5.As in the example described in this tutorial page, it is recommended to define Support_data with fixities in X, Y and Z for all the domain volumes to ensure that there is no displacement occurring (event minimal) in the single time step run to generate the .bin file.

6.As the ParaGeo mesh is already in the .geo file, only one Control_data structure is required for generation of the .bin file which must be the last data structure in the data file.