Case 1 Extension via a Prescribed Boundary


Basic Set Up: Data File Description

The initial data file for the project is: mech_003\Data\mech_003_Case1.dat.   The basic data includes:

1Stratigraphy definition for one stratigraphy unit for group "Sand" and the corresponding surface horizon defined by geometry line 3 (see Mech_004 for description).

2A single group which is assigned the "Sand_1" properties defined using Group_control_data and Group_data data structures.

3Material properties (Material_data) exported from material database training.mdb.

4Time scaling data (Time_scaling_data) with target time step 1E-4s.

5Support data (Support_data) defining line 1 and line 3 as fully fixed.

6Load Case data (Global_loads and Load_case_control_data) for two load cases:

(a)  Load Case 1 - Prescribed displacement of the top surface of the specimen

(b)  Load Case 2 - the surface load corresponding to the confining pressure

7Gravity data (Gravity_data).

8Mesh control (Mesh_control) and Unstructured mesh generation data (Unstructured_mesh_data) defining a constant mesh size of 1.5mm.

9Control data (Control_data) defining:

(a)  Transient solution algorithm (Type 1)

(b)  Termination time of t=1.0s

(c)  Factor of critical time step = 0.5 i.e. lower than the default value

(d)  Plot file output every 0.05s


Click to expand/collapsePart Geometry and Prescribed Boundary Surfaces



The result files for the project are in directory: mech_003\Case 1\results.  The contour plots of plastic strain and deformation of the material grid show that the majority of the deformation occurs in the sand above the stretched boundary facet and that the material near the left and right hand boundaries remains elastic. The basement stretch results in a rift type structure with complex faulted geometry.


Contours of Plastic Strain at Time t=6.0


Configuration of Material Grid at Time t=3.0


Configuration of Material Grid  at Time t=4.0


Configuration of Material Grid  at Time t=5.0


Configuration of Material Grid  at Time t=6.0