All available ParaView filters can be accessed from the Filters/Alphabetical ParaView menu. Some of the common filters are also accessible via icons on the task bar. Here the most useful filters for geological problems are described. Click on the names to get directed to more detailed pages.
Calculate new variables from mathematical operations of existing state variables. They can be based on point (nodal) data or cell (element) data. |
Calculate nodal averaged values from element state variables for a complete result set. This is important to create smooth contour plots if coarse meshes are used. |
Defines a plane by its normal vector which is used to cut the model so that the part of the model in the opposite vector direction is no longer visible. |
Extracts data by a selection of display groups; i.e. mesh/formation groups, contact surfaces, wells, geometry sets, geometry entities, etc. so only those selected items will be visible. |
Generates a glyph (e.g. vector plot) of the selected vectorial variable (e.g. contact stress vector, flow vectors, etc.) at each point of the domain (or each N points). |
Generates a graph of all variables on a user defined line (i.e. in a straight well path manner). |
Generates a graph of the evolution of all variables statistics with time for selected points and/or cells. |
When selected it allows to put a probe at cursor location and return the coordinates by clicking Ctrl+P. |
Defines a plane by its normal vector which is used to cut a slice of the model. |
Defines a range for any point/cell state variable so that only those points/cells within that range are shown. |
Translates, rotates and or scales any dimension of the model by an user specified amount |
Translates the points of the input dataset by a user specified distance using vector data. |