HM_001 Introduction to Hydro-Mechanical Analysis - Uniaxial Consolidation


This example provides an introduction to the coupled hydro-mechanical modelling strategy using ParaGeo.     Specific issues considered are:

1Defining the active groups in the porous flow field.

2Material and fluid properties.

3Initial pore pressure and prescribed pore pressure boundary conditions.

4Defining a moving sedimentation surface with constant and variable sedimentation rate.

5Coupled solution control - Defining active fields and solution control parameters.


The example documentation assumes that the user is familiar with mesh generation and single field geomechanical modelling functionality and the following examples should be undertaken beforehand:

1Mech_001 Mechanical Analysis Introduction.


Click to expand/collapseProblem Description
Click to expand/collapseBasic Set Up: Data File Description
Click to expand/collapseGroup_control_data in Coupled Problems
Click to expand/collapseCouple_control_data
Click to expand/collapseSolution Control for Coupled Geomechanical/Porous Flow



Click to expand/collapseResults