Case1 Base Case description


The base case consists in simple restoration with two stages; flattening of the top surface to the restoration surface and subsequent deactivation of the top formation and flattening of the new top surface to the restoration surface. This example does not consider decompaction.


Basic Set Up: Data File Description

The initial data file for the project is: Rest_001\Data\Rest_001_Case1.dat.   The basic data includes:

1Geometry set data that define the formation tops and the pin line.

2Stratigraphy definition for the four formations present in the model..

3Group data for the four formations which are assigned the "Elastic" properties using Group_control_data and Group_data data structures.

4A Material_data and Fluid_properties data structures defining the material properties for the formations.

5Support data (Support_data) defining fixity in X direction at the pin line location.

6Mesh control (Mesh_control) and Unstructured mesh generation data (Unstructured_mesh_data) defining a constant mesh size of 200m.

7Restoration_data defining the restoration operation and assigning a part geometry as a restoration surface.

8Part geometry data (Part_geometry_set, Part_line and Part_nodal_data) to define the restoration surface

9Time scaling data (Time_scaling_data) with optimal time step 5E-5 Ma.

10Damping data (Damping_global_data) to define bulk damping on the effective mean stress (Bulk Viscosity model)

11Control data (Control_data) for two stages defining:

(a)  Incremental solution algorithm (Type 1),

(b)  Maximum number of time steps of 108 (very large to avoid premature termination)

(c)  Duration of t=1 Ma,

(d)  Factor of critical time step = 0.5,

(e)  Plot file output every 0.2 Ma,

(f)  Plot file output at the end of the stage,

(g)  Screen message output every 1000 mech steps,

(h) Output of a restart file at the end of the stage.

12Geometry data (nodal_data, Geometry_line and Geometry_surface) for definition of the 3D geometry.




The result files for the project are in directory: Rest_001\results  




Results for Case1. Groups (left) and Volumetric strain (right).