There are several data structures relevant to defining loading and boundary conditions in ParaGeo. Those mainly are:
•Couple_freedoms to constrain the specified degrees of freedom of any field (geomechanical, flow, thermal) for all the nodes of a given geometry entity or Geometry_set so they evolve consistently (note that the constrain may be applied according to a master geometry entity or Geometry_set following a Master/Slave approach).
•Eulerian_boundary to define a geometry entity or Geometry_set as an eulerian boundary for simulating inflow/outflow of material to the system.
•Global_loads to define any time of loading (e.g. prescribed displacement, pore pressure, temperature, flow flux, etc).
•Gravity_data to apply the gravity loading.
•Load_case_control_data to define which of the Global_loads defined in the datafile are active for the simulation.
•Prescribed_boundary_data to define special prescribed displacements according to a rigid surface (Part_geometry_data).
•Stress_path_data is a boundary condition which allow to simulate burial/erosion conditions as a load applied to the domain.
•Supply_reservoir_boundary to define inflow or outflow of fluid into the system.
•Support_data to define whether a given geometry entity or Geometry_set is constrained or not.
•Transformed_freedoms to apply a rotation to the boundary conditions specified on a geometry entity or Geometry_set according to a defined local coordinate system.
•Water_level_data to apply the load corresponding to the water table to the model top surface.
•Definition of well boundary conditions via Well_definition and Well_completion data.
Note that most boundary conditions (e.g. a prescribed displacement) may have assigned a Time_curve in order to define a transient/evolutionary boundary conditions (e.g. displacement rate as a function of time).
Tutorial examples demonstrating usage of the different data structures used to apply boundary conditions to the model are:
Mech_001: Mechanical analysis introduction (stress load)
Cont_001: Contact example (prescribed displacement)
Val_002: Mandel's problem (prescribed pore pressure)
Geost_001: Geostatic initialisation of a column
Ex_005: Sedimentation and erosion operations
Mech_003: Rift sandbox simulation using prescribed boundary data
None at present
None at present
Mat_003: Continuum Fracture Modelling (displacement and pore pressure)
Val_002: Mandel's problem (displacement and pore pressure)
None at present
Ex_008 Case01: Injection and Production
Ex_008 Case02: With Contact Advection along Fault
Ex_008 Case03: U-Shaped Geothermal Well with Multiple Well Completions
Ex_008 Case04: Influence of Skin Factor on Well Elements using the Peaceman Model
Val_006: Well Geothermal - U-Shaped Closed-Loop Well System
MEM_001_Case03a: HM Coupled (High Perm Fault)
MEM_001_Case03b: HM Coupled (Low Perm Fault)
MEM_001_Case04: HM Coupled Producer and Injector Wells
MEM_001_Case04b: HM Coupled with De-activated Porous Flow Groups
MEM_001_Case04c & 04d: Implicit-Implicit HM Modelling