02 - Restoration


The geomechanical restoration of the defined 2D geological structure is performed with a total of 15 stages; one stage for geostatic initialization to an average shale porosity trend and fourteen stages for translation /deactivation and restoration to one of the four restoration surfaces. The four different restoration surfaces are defined to be consistent with the first four stratigraphy horizon tops to restore the layers that are onlapping (see picture below) and thereafter the fourth restoration surface is maintained until the end of the simulation.




Image of example showing two of the four restoration surfaces pinned on the west boundary




The restoration data files for the project are in: Geol_001\02_Restoration\Data. The data comprises:


1.Geol_001_rest.dat: Main restoration data file.

2.Geol_001_RestSurf01.dat: Part geometry data for restoration surface 01.

3.Geol_001_RestSurf02.dat: Part geometry data for restoration surface 02.

4.Geol_001_RestSurf03.dat: Part geometry data for restoration surface 03.

5.Geol_001_RestSurf04.dat: Part geometry data for restoration surface 04.

6.Geol_001.geo: ParaGeo geometry file in "HDF" format.



The two main simulation stages are:

Stage 1: Geostatic initialization

Stages 2 - 15: Fourteen restorations stages to restore the 14 formation layers from Tertiary_10 to Turonian_02.



The flowchart below summarises the data input and results output files involved in the restoration process.



Summary flowchart of data input files and results output files in restoration process




Basic Set Up: Data file description (Geol_001_rest.dat)

The basic data includes:


1.Geometry_data to read the .geo file containing the 2D geometry.

2.Group data for the sixteen formations which are assigned either "Elastic" or "Elastic_Stiff" properties using Group_control_data and Group_data data structures.

3.Geometry_set data that define the stratigraphy horizons, model boundaries, faults and detachments hanging walls and footwalls.

4.Stratigraphy_definition and Stratigraphy_horizon identifying the sixteen formations top horizons and basal horizon.

5.Two Material_data and one Fluid_properties data structures defining elastic material properties with vertical decompaction for the formations. The two base layers are defined stiffer elastic properties to maintain the detachment as flat as possible.

6.Geostatic_data to initialize the model to an average shale porosity NCT (Normal Compaction Trend) (Ewy et al. 2020) via Spatial_variation_definition and Spatial_variation_values data structures.

7. Fault_set data to identify the faults.

8.Contact data for the faults (Contact_global, Contact_set, Contact_surface and Contact_property).

9.Support data (Support_data) defining fixity in X direction at the West boundary.

10.Mesh control (Mesh_control_data) and unstructured mesh generation data (Unstructured_mesh_data) defining element mesh sizes between 50m and 80m.

11.Damping data (Damping_global_data) to define velocity damping of 0.02.

12.Output data (Output_data) to define the data for output to plot files.

13.Include data to read in the four part geometry data (Part_geometry_set, Part_line and Part_nodal_data) defining the four restoration surfaces.

14.Restoration_data defining the restoration operation, restoration top surface boundary conditions and assigning a part geometry as a restoration surface.

15.Control data (Control_data) for geostatic initialization stage defining:

(a)  Incremental solution algorithm (Type 1),

(b)  Factor of critical time step = 0.9,

(c)  Target number of time steps = 2000,

(d)  Maximum number of time steps of 1E7,

(e)  Duration of t = 1 Ma,

(f)  Screen message output every 500 mech steps,

(g)  Plot file output every 0.2 Ma,

(h)  Plot file output at the end of the stage,

(i)  Output of a restart file at the end of the stage.

16.Control data (Control_data) for the fourteen restoration stages (Tertiary_10 to Turonian_02) with the same control data as the geostatic initialization stage apart from:

(a)  Target number of time steps = 20000.




Stage 1: Geostatic initialization


Control data

The solution control data to initialize the model to an average shale porosity trend via spatial data is described below.


Data File


* Control_data

! --------------------------------------

 Control_title             "Geostatic"

 Solution_algorithm                  1

 Factor_critical_time_step         0.9

 Target_number_time_steps         2000

 Maximum_number_time_steps    10000000

 Duration                          1.0

 Screen_message_frequency          500

 Output_time_plotfile              0.2

 Output_frequency_plotfile          -1

 Output_frequency_restart           -1        



1.The current control stage is given a title "Tertiary_10".  This will be re-named appropriately for each of the subsequent control stages.

2.The solution algorithm is set to number 1, i.e. Transient dynamic algorithm.

3.The factor critical time step is set to 0.9.

4.The target number of time steps is set to 2000.

5.The maximum number of time steps is set to 10000000.

6.The duration for control stage is set to 1.0 Ma.

7.Information will be displayed on the screen (command prompt) every 500 mech steps.

8.A plot file is requested every 0.2 Ma and at the end of the stage.

9.Output of a restart file is requested at the end of the control stage.




Stages 2 - 15: Restoration of 14 formation layers from Tertiary_10 to Turonian_02


Data for the fourteen restoration stages 2 to 15 comprise:

Include data structure to read in the four restoration surface part geometry data files.

Definition of restoration data (Restoration_data) to translate / restore to the defined restoration surfaces.

Solution control data to define the solution algorithm, output and termination data for the current stage in the geomechanical field.


The table below summarises the model data that is defined for each of the fourteen restoration stages - "Y" signifies that it is defined and a greyed-out cell with "->" signifies non-defined model data, however, the last defined model data is carried over to the current stage.



Restoration Stages

Model Data

Stage 2


Stage 3


Stage 4


Stage 5


Stages 6 - 15

(Tertiary_06 - _01, UCT, Turonian_04 - _02)







Restoration data

Y (Translate)

Y (Restore)




Solution control data






Stage termination time





6 - 15






The result files for the project are in directory: Geol_001\02_Restoration\Results.


In the porosity plot below, it can be seen that the decompaction model "top_layer" considers decompaction of the top stratigraphy layer separately from the rest of the model, i.e. the top layer is decompacted according to the NCT and the rest of the model is decompacted according to the NCT but as if the top layer is not present.  This is done in order to maximize compatibility between restoration and forward simulation, otherwise thicknesses are not consistent.






Porosity results at initial and end of stage 08 restoration (T=9 Ma)




The geometry configuration at the end of several restoration stages are shown below.






Geometry configuration at various restoration stages


Generated .geo files

The list of generated .geo files after restoration is:














