Step 1 Restoration


The base case consists of simple restoration with three stages; one stage for translation of the current top surface to the restoration surface and two stages with deactivation of the top formation and restoration of the next top surface to the restoration surface. This example is field scale and considers decompaction.


Basic Set Up: Data file description

The initial data file for the project is: Rest_002\Data\Rest_002_Step1.dat.   The basic data includes:

1Geometry_set data that define the west boundary and the fault hanging wall and footwall.

2 Fault_set data to identify the fault.

3Contact data for the fault (Contact_set, Contact_property and Contact_global).

4Stratigraphy_definition for the three formations present in the model and corresponding Stratigraphy_horizon data.

5Group data for the three formations which are assigned the "Elastic" properties using Group_control_data and Group_data data structures.

6Geostatic_data to initialize the model to a porosity trend via Spatial_variation_definition and Spatial_variation_values data structures.

7A Material_data and Fluid_properties data structures defining the material properties for the formations.

8Support data (Support_data) defining fixity in X direction at the west boundary.

9Mesh control (Mesh_control) and Unstructured mesh generation data (Unstructured_mesh_data) defining a constant mesh size of 0.25m.

10Part geometry data (Part_geometry_set, Part_line and Part_nodal_data) to define the restoration surface.

11Restoration_data defining the restoration operation, restoration top surface boundary conditions and assigning a part geometry as a restoration surface.

12Control data (Control_data) for two stages defining:

(a)  Incremental solution algorithm (Type 1),

(b) Target number of time steps of 8000,

(c) Maximum number of time steps of 10000,

(d) Duration of t=1 Ma,

(e) Plot file output every 0.2 Ma,

(f) Plot file output at the end of the stage,

(g) Screen message output every 500 mech steps,

(h) Output of a restart file at the end of the stage.

13Geometry data (nodal_data, Geometry_line and Geometry_surface) for definition of the 2D geometry.




The result files for the project are in directory: Rest_002\Step1\Results  




Results after each restoration stage for step 1.