ParaView Tutorial


ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application. It is the primary post-processing tool for ParaGeo 2D and 3D models. It can be downloaded from


This manual chapter is focused on describing how to perform the most used processing operations for geological problems in ParaView.


At the bottom of this page we have a Quick Reference Sheet with short descriptions of most useful filters and functions. Furthermore Filter names may be clicked to navigate to their corresponding detailed usage description pages.


In addition a "Quick Example Tutorial" is included. This will use results provided in ParaView_001\Results folder and guide you step by step on most commonly used processing operations in 3D geological problems.


For more detailed information about ParaView tools and usage we may visit the following page: .





ParaView Screen Overview

ParaView Initial Setup

ParaView Initial Screen Overview


Loading Plot Files

Loading Plot Files

Load/Save Paraview State


Display View and View Types

The Render View

Contours: Color scale, range, etc.

Zoom, camera, customize camera, etc.

The Slice View

The Spreadsheet View

Split the Display Screen


Useful Tools

Selection tools and selection display inspector

Insert Text and Geometric Figures




Cell Data to Point Data


Extract Block


Plot Over Line

Plot Selection Over Time

Probe Location




Warp by Vector


Quick Example Tutorial

1 - Open plot files

2 - Calculating averaged nodal data from element data

3 - Calculate derived variables from existing variables

4 - Extract Block Filter to activate/deactivate group (formation) data

5 - Visualize contact data

6 - Map and Visualize data on a well path




Quick Reference Sheet





Calculate new variables from mathematical operations of existing state variables. They can be based on point (nodal) data or cell (element) data.

Cell data to point data


Calculate nodal averaged values from element state variables.



Defines a plane by its normal vector which is used to cut the model so that the part of the model in the opposite vector direction is no longer visible.

Extract block


Extracts data by a selection of either/both groups or contact surfaces so only those selected will be visible



Generates a glyph of the selected vectorial variable (e.g. contact stress vector, flow vectors, etc.) at each point of the domain (or each N points)

Plot Over Line


Generates a graph of all state variables on a user defined line (i.e. in a straight well path manner)

Plot Selection Over Time


Generates a graph of the evolution of all state variables statistics with time for selected points and/or cells

Probe Location


When selected it allows to put a probe at cursor location and return the coordinates by clicking Ctrl+P



Defines a plane by its normal vector which is used to cut a slice of the model.



Defines a range for any point/cell state variable so that only those points/cells within that range are shown.



Translates, rotates and or scales any dimension of the model by an user specified amount

Warp by Vector


Translates the points of the input dataset a user specified distance using vector data


Show/Hide data


Shows or hides the selected data (which is nearby the eye icon in the pipeline browser)

Select contour plot variable


Selects the state variable to be plotted as a contour plot. Note that variables with the ParaView_Icon_011 icon are element variables whereas variables with the ParaView_Icon_012 icon are nodal averaged variables.

Show/Hide legend


Shows or hide the legend in the contour plot window

Show colour map editor


Shows the colour map editor from which we can:

Select the colour scale preset

Modify the colour scale preset

Modify the legend appearance

Rescale to data range


Rescales the colour scale to the data range from the minimum to the maximum values for the active state variable

Rescale to custom range


Rescales the colour scale to a user defined range for the active state variable

Reset camera


Resets the camera so that all visible data ParaView_Icon_018 can be seen on the screen

Zoom to data


Adjust the camera position and zoom so that the selected data (e.g. a slice of the model) is shown on the screen

Zoom to box


Does a zoom to the box defined with a mouse click

Set view direction perpendicular to an axis


Sets the screen view to be perpendicular to the selected axis in either positive or negative directions (this will depend on the icon chosen)

Show/Hide axis system


Shows/hides the global axis system orientation at the bottom left corner of the contour plot window

3D / 2D mouse behaviour toggle


Changes the click and drag mouse behaviour for the contour plot screen view. When 2D is active the click and drag mouse results in camera translation. When 3D is active the click and drag mouse results in camera rotation.

Select cells ON


When activated allows to select cells by left clicking and dragging the mouse to define a selection box. Selected cells will be those which are partially or completely within the selection box.

Select points ON


When activated allows to select points by left clicking and dragging the mouse to define a selection box.

Select cells through


When activated allows to select cells by left clicking and dragging the mouse to define a selection box. Selected cells will be those which are partially or completely within the selection box plus all of those which are in the perpendicular projection of the current view (e.g. inner cells within the selection box).

Select points through


When activated allows to select points by left clicking and dragging the mouse to define a selection box. Selected points will be those which are within the selection box plus all of those which are in the perpendicular projection of the current view (e.g. inner points within the selection box).

Add extra layout


Adds an extra layout for which any type of view (e.g. Render View, SpreadSheet View, etc) can be selected.

Split render view window vertically / horizontally


Splits the render view window either vertically or horizontally so that different data (or different views of the same data) can be simultaneously visualized

Maximize the selected view


Maximizes the selected render view window from an split screen

Restore split render view


Restores an split view after a render view window has been maximized

Delete render view window


Deletes the selected render view for which the icon is clicked.