





Analysis Type - Features List / Utility


Material Models

Mat_001 SR4 Model Introduction

Mechanical (2D)


Overview of SR4 Model

SR4 material model


Case 1 Simulation of Triaxial Tests with the SR4 model

Case 2 Characterization of Experimental Data with the SR4 Model (Linear Elasticity)

Case 3 Characterization of Experimental Data with the SR4 Model (Poroelasticity)

Triaxial tests

Material characterization of experimental data for SR4 model with linear elasticity/poroelasticity


Plots from experimental tests

Mat_001b SR4 Hardening Calibration

Mechanical (2D)


Case 1 Introduction to SR4 Hardening Calibration

Case 2 Calibration Exercise

SR4 material hardening parameters and calibration of kappa and lambda using SR4 analytical model

Mat_001b_Case02_03   Mat_001b_Case02_06

Mat_001c SR4 User Defined Hardening

Mechanical (2D) and Coupled THM (2D)


Case 1 Definition of SR4 User-Defined Hardening Table

Case 2 Facies Mixture-based Material Database

SR4 material hardening calibration to user-defined hardening model

Provision of facies mixture-based material database spreadsheet and step by step description for user-derivation

Axi-symmetric single element oedometer test (geomechanical)

Uniaxial column consolidation test (coupled THM)


Mechanical properties for different component % of Sandstone, Siltstone, Shale, Carbonate (Ss_Si_Sh_Ca)

Mat_001d Mechanical compaction models

Mechanical (2D) and Coupled THM (2D)


Case 1 Procedure and inputs

Simplified input of data in the form of Athy-type models to characterise mechanical compaction

Automated hardening data generation


Validated results generated using the mechanical compaction models

Mat_002 Calibration of diagenesis reactions

Mechanical (2D)


Diagenesis Model Overview        

Diagenesis Model Behaviour


Diagenesis model and behaviour



Case1 Kimmeridge Clay

Case2 Berea Sandstone

Calibration of diagenesis law for Kimmeridge Clay and Berea Sandstone

Axi-symmetric single element oedometer test/burial history simulation

Fig_05 Model Set Up     Fig_10 Model_b_Setup

Axi-symmetric single element: Oedometer test (left), Burial history simulation (right)

Fig_11 Results Diagenesis 01

Results vs geomechanical tests. Simulation of burial history (left). Additional unloading/reloading (right)

Mat_003 Continuum Fracture Model (PVC test on a fractured specimen)

Coupled HM (3D)


Case1a Poroelastic simulation

Case1b Poro-elasto-plastic (SR4) simulation

Case 2a (poroelastic) and Case 2b (SR4) with 2 sets of fractures

Pore Volume Compressibility (PVC) test

Poroelastic / with SR4 plasticity materials

Single hex element continuum fracture model with one/two fracture sets


(a) Schematic of PVC test, (b) Model with 1 fracture set (Case 1), (c) with 2 fracture sets (Case 2)

Mat_004 Modelling creep in chalks and shales

Mechanical (2D)


Overview of creep models

Case01 Power law creep model

Case02 Power law model with accelerated creep at high deviatoric stresses

SR3 plasticity model with simple Power law creep/Power law with accelerated creep at high q

Hydraulic Compression Tests (HCT) and Triaxial tests (CTC) at different loading rates

