MEM and Wellbore modelling






Analysis Type - Features List / Utility


Workflow for Material Earth Models (MEMs)

MEM_001 MEM Workflow

Mechanical (3D) / Coupled HM (3D)


Case 1 Base Case


Various geostatic initialization phases (gravity, tectonic, contact release, constitutive release)

Production simulation

Mechanical contact

Initial spatial grid data and spatial boundary


Case 1b Reservoir Poro-elasticity defined via Spatial_table

Young's modulus - porosity dependent spatial table

Case 2 Implicit Initialisation

Geostatic initialization stages (gravity and tectonic) via implicit solver

Restart data

Case 3a HM Coupled (High Perm Fault)

Case 3b HM Coupled (Low Perm Fault)


Coupled HM simulation

Water level

Well element for producer well

High/Low perm contact fluid flow

Initial spatial grid data and spatial boundary


Case 4 HM Coupled Producer and Injector Wells

As Case 3a

Well element for producer and injector wells

Case 4b HM Coupled with De-activated Porous Flow Groups

As Case 4

De-activation of porous flow groups

Case 4c & 04d Implicit-Implicit HM Modelling  

As Case 4 and Case04b respectively

Full implicit solver utilized for coupled hydro-mechanical solution

Node-node contact algorithm

Case 5 Mapping of Results to Spatial Surface and Output to Plot File

Read results plot file and output to new plot file

Mapping of results to imported Spatial surface definition


MEM_002 Wokflow for cases including salt formations

Mechanical (3D)


Case00 Scaling Salt Viscosity

Case01 Base Case

Salt layers modelled via Herschel-Bulkley viscoplastic material

Various time unit updates via salt material constant K


Case 2 Faulted Case (Not available yet)

Faulted model with contact


MEM_003 Boundary Optimisation and Super Element approach within the MEM Wokflow (Currently unavailable)

Mechanical (3D) using ParaGeoInv


Case 1 Boundary optimisation

Case 2 Boundary optimisation using the Super Element approach

Inverse analysis for initialisation stages using ParaGeoInv

Usage of Super element




Implicit Solver

Imp_001 Usage of the implicit solver

Mechanical (3D)


Case 1 Base Case

Implicit solver


Super Element (Currently unavailable)

SuEl_001 Super Element Workflow

Mechanical (3D)


Case 1 Workflow Example

oStep 1 Create the Super Element

oStep 2 Use the Super Element

oStep 2b Use an Reflate the Super Element

Case 2 Usage of Coupled Freedoms

Super element workflow

Implicit solver

Coupled freedoms


Wellbore Models

Wellbore_001 Cased and Cemented 3D Wellbore Model

Coupled THM (3D)


Case01 Time-dependent Cement Hardening with Diagenetic Shrinkage

Coupled THM simulation

Deactivated porous flow in casing and cement

Contact between wellbore components

Time-dependent cement hardening material with increased yield strength

Cement hardening with diagenetic reaction resulting in volume shrinkage

Usage of transient time step growth in solution control


Wellbore_002 Casing Collapse due to Shear at Salt/Sandstone Bedding Plane

Mechanical (3D)



Contact between salt/sandstone bedding plane

Large bedding plane slip (shear) causing casing collapse

Salt with Herschel-Bulkley viscoplastic material

