ParaGeo Examples


In this section several examples are discussed. Those comprise specific examples that can be used as a guidance on how to set up specific ParaGeo data structures or typical ParaGeo application models. As opposed to the ParaGeo Tutorial Examples section, a complete description of the datafile is not provided, thus focusing only on the relevant data structures.







Analysis Type - Features List / Utility


ParaGeo Data Structures/Typical Application Models

Ex_001 Mechanical Contact

Mechanical (3D)


Ex_001a Constant contact stiffness

Ex_001b Field dependent stiffness

Ex_001c Depth dependent stiffness

Ex_001d Contact stiffness dependent on underlying element stiffness

Contact data


Ex_002 Reservoir Depletion

Mechanical (3D)


Case 01 Reservoir Depletion

Case 01rst Reservoir Depletion from Restart

Multistage initialization

Pore pressure prescribed at mesh nodes (depletion)

Usage of restart files



Ex_003 Transverse Isotropic Elasticity

Mechanical (3D)


Ex_003a_##deg (0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75°, 90°) Various rotations of material system

Transverse isotropic elasticity

Material system rotation


Ex_004 3D Open Hole Wellbore Stability

Coupled HM (3D)



Usage of Constraint_relaxation data


Ex_005 Sedimentation and Erosion Operations

Mechanical (3D) / Coupled THM (3D)


Case 1 Sedimentation with Sub-layer

Case 2 Sedimentation with Layer Merge


Definition of special options for sedimentation and erosion


Case 3 Erosion in a Column (THM)


Case 3b Sedimentation and Erosion in a Fold (THM)


Ex_006 Eulerian Boundaries

Mechanical (2D)


Case 1 Prescribed salt inflow

Case 2 Prescribed salt outflow

Case 3 Two free Eulerian boundaries

Definition of Eulerian boundaries

Ex_006_01         Ex_006_05b

Case 1 and 2 (left), Case 3 (right)

Ex_007 Using ParaGeo with Different Units

Thermal (2D)


Case 1 Heat Transfer in Ma and Seconds

oCase01a - Input data in "Ma" time units and thermal units in "Joules"

o Case01b - Input data in "Ma" time units and thermal units in "Watts"

oCase01c - Input data in "seconds" time units

Using ParaGeo with different heat transfer units

Ex_007_Case01_02     Ex_007_Case01_03

Ex_008 Well Element

Coupled THM (3D) / Thermal (3D) / Flow (3D)


Case01 Injection and Production (THM)

Usage of well elements in THM injection and production models



Case02 With Contact Advection along Fault (THM)

Contact advection along fault


Case03 U-Shaped Geothermal Well with Multiple Well Completions (Thermal)

U-shaped closed-loop well


Multi-layer, multi-well completions


Case04 Influence of Skin Factor on Well Elements using the Peaceman Model (Flow)

Peaceman flow model

Influence of skin factor

Ex_008_Case04_01     Ex_008_Case04_06a

Ex_009 HEX to TET Conversion

ParaGeo Utility

Mechanical (3D)


Zmap Import

Creation of the HEX Geometry

HEX to TET Conversion

Simulation Example

oEx_009_Sim01 - Three stage analysis (gravity initialization, single layer sedimentation, tectonic compression)

oEx_009_Sim02 - Mapping of facies from HEX grid to TET mesh

Conversion of HEX mesh to TET mesh


HEX mesh (left), TET mesh (right)

Ex_010 Continuum Fault Flow Model

Coupled HM (3D)


Case01 Confined Compression Test

oCase01a - Fault prediction based on plastic strain threshold of 0.1. Fault elements with perm enhanced by 100.


oCase01b - As Case01a but plastic strain threshold of 5.0.


oCase01c - Fault is seeded at different location to Case01a using part geometry. Both perm enhancement and strength reduction considered.


oCase01d - As Case01c but only perm enhancement considered.

Continuum fault flow model

Fault prediction using plastic strain threshold value and perm enhancement

Fault seeding/insertion using part geometry


Case02 Model with Sedimentation and Fault Propagation


Ex_011 Parameterised boundary for distributed displacements

Mechanical (3D)



Apply non-constant displacements to boundaries


Ex_012 Mapping 3D Grids in 2D Geometries

Mechanical (2D and 3D)



3D to 2D spatial grid mapping


Comparison of mapped facies distribution for 3D grid -> 3D geom and 3D grid -> 2D geom

Ex_013 Porous flow types and pore pressure loads

Coupled HM and Mechanical (3D)


Case01 Porous Flow Type Assumptions

Assumptions for each porous flow types

Discussion of results after initialisation

Output pore pressure variables


Case02 Pore Pressure Loading for Different Porous Flow Types

Appropriate pore pressure loading for the different porous flow types

Ex_013_Case02a_pf2                 Ex_013_Case02b_pf2

Ex_014 Analytical Permeability Models

Coupled (3D)


Case01a - Power Law

Case01b - Power Law (with anisotropy and permeability cutoffs)

Case02 - Kozeny-Carman (with anisotropy)

Case03 - Exponential model (with anisotropy)

Case04 - Yang and Aplin model (with anisotropy)

Usage of different analytical porosity - permeability models

Usage of keywords to constrain the allowable range of permeabilities

Definition of permeability anisotropy for the analytical models
