Geological Modelling Workflow and Restoration






Analysis Type - Features List / Utility



Rest_001 Restoration of a fold

Mechanical (2D)


Case 1 Base Case Description

Case 2 Restoration with Bedding Plane Slip

Case 3 Restoration with Decompaction (Synchronous)

Case 3b Restoration with Decompaction (Sequential)

Case 4 Force-based bed length constraint (High stiffness)

Case 5 Force-based bed length constraint (Low stiffness)

Case 6 Displacement-based bed length preservation

Restoration - translate/restore

Restoration with bedding plane slip

Restoration with decompaction following prescribed porosity vs depth trend

Part geometry data

Stratigraphy definition

Top surface bed-length constraint/preservation using force/displacement



Rest_002 Restoration to forward: A normal fault model

Mechanical (2D)


Step 1 Restoration

Step 2 Forward create data file

Step 3 Description of the generated forward simulation data file

Faulted model with contact

Restoration with decompaction

Utility to create forward model data from restoration



Rest_002b Restoration to forward: A normal fault model in 3D

Mechanical (3D)


Step 1 Restoration


Faulted model with contact

Restoration with decompaction




Rest_003 Restoration to forward work flow for mini-basin type models

Mechanical (2D)


Step 1 Restoration

Restoration with decompaction

Output of isopachs as sedimentation horizons


Step 2 Forward simulation

Forward simulation using extracted isopachs from restoration




Geological Modelling Workflow

Geol_001 Geological Modelling Workflow

Mechanical (2D)


01 - Geometry creation

02 - Restoration

03 - Restoration to Forward

04 - Forward simulation

Geometry .dxf preparation in CAD

.dxf to ParaGeo geometry .geo workflow

Restoration with decompaction

Forward simulation

Utility to create forward model data from restoration


Geol_002 Geological Modelling with Zmap Import

ParaGeo Utility

Mechanical & Coupled THM (3D)


Case01 Column Model

Zmap file import and export to Abaqus .inp file utility

Conversion of .inp file to ParaGeo .geo file

Hydrocarbon generation layers

Restoration modelling (geomechanical)

Sedimentation modelling (THM)

Moving water table with time

Directional decompaction

Boundary node extraction from irregular boundaries

Hexahedral mesh model

Basal thermal flux


Case02 Slice Model

Case03a 3D Small Irregular Grid Model with 'Ragged' Boundaries

Case03b 3D Large Irregular Grid Model with 'Ragged' Boundaries

Geol_002b Additional functionality for Geological Modelling

Mechanical & Coupled THM (3D)


Case01 Membrane elements and boundary couple freedoms

Membrane elements for bed length preservation

Boundary column nodes with coupled freedoms

Geol_002b_Fig03         Geol_002b_Fig02

                    (a) Membrane (triangle) elements on top surface    (b) Column of coupled nodes on boundary

Case02 Spatial distribution of facies

With spatial distribution of material property facies


Facies distribution in Formation 08 in tutorial sub-model

Case03 Modelling erosion

With erosion in restoration & sedimentation


Case04 Spatial heat flow

With spatial distribution basal heat flux


Basal heat flux distribution

Geol_003 Geological Modelling for TET meshes

ParaGeo Utility

Mechanical (3D)


Case01 Workflow for TET models built from Zmaps

Zmap file import and export to Abaqus .inp file utility

Conversion of .inp file to ParaGeo .geo file

Hex to TET conversion

Restoration modelling with adaptivity (geomechanical)

Utility to create forward model data from restoration

Sedimentation modelling (geomechanical)

Spatial distribution of facies


Facies distribution from zmap (left) and after forward modelling (right)

Case02 Forward simulation from a non-final restoration paleo-time

Utility to read plot file results and export a spatial grid

Utility to create forward model data from restoration

Sedimentation modelling (geomechanical)

Spatial distribution of facies


Schematic of the workflow

Hydrocarbon Maturation

Kin_001 HC kinetics in uniaxial column with deposition

Coupled THM (2D)



THM sedimentation

Multi-kerogen sediment layers

Influence of HC kinetics on pore pressure, porosity and strength

Combined use of two damping models for long column
