ParaGeo Tutorial Examples


Welcome to the ParaGeo tutorial examples manual chapter. Here the user will encounter several practice examples specially designed to learn the usage of the main ParaGeo functions. In each example the definition of several key data structures are discussed and an example datafile is provided. It is recommended for the user to go through this examples defining his own datafile in order to improve and consolidate the model definition using ParaGeo data structures.








Analysis Type - Features List / Utility



Intro_001 Introduction to ParaGeo datafile definition

Mechanical (2D)


Case01 Base Case

Defining model geometry data


Model geometry and boundary conditions

Case02 Usage of geometry sets

Parageo groups

Defining model geometry sets

Mesh Generation

Mesh_001 2D Unstructured Mesh Generation

Mesh Generation (2D)


Case 1 Simple rectangular domain

Mesh discretization for various models with different geometry entities



Case 1A Modification of the mesh density

Case 1B Plate with Hole (Quadratic Lines)


Case 1C Plate with Hole Plate with Hole (Quadratic Lines with Mesh Refinement)

Case 1D Plate with Hole (Mesh Refinement using Mesh Region)

Case 1E Plate with Hole (Hole defined by a Polyline)

Case 1F Plate with Hole (Hole defined by a Polyline)



Mesh_002 3D Unstructured Mesh Generation

Mesh Generation in ParaGeo (3D)


Case 00 Export a mesh in a. geo file

Approach to export a generated mesh in a .geo file

Definition of element sizes using different strategies

Usage of adaptivity for more flexibility


Case 01 Mesh size defined on geometry entities

Case 02 Usage of mesh regions

Case 03 Usage of adaptivity with regions of different element sizes

Mechanical Analysis

Mech_001 Mechanical analysis introduction

Mechanical (2D)


Case 1A Base Case Description

Case 1B Scaling Time for 100 Steps

Case 1C Scaling Time for 1000 Steps

Case 1D Inclusion of Damping

Case 1E S-Curve Load Ramp

Case 1F Instantaneous Loading


Explicit dynamic solver

Various strategies for quasi-static solution

Time scaling

% Global damping

Various time curves - linear, nonlinear, instantaneous



Case 2A Cylinder with internal and External Pressure


Mech_002 Uniaxial Burial of 2000m of sediment

Mechanical (2D)


Case 1 Constant Sedimentation Rate

Case 2 Variable Sedimentation Rate

Constant/Variable sedimentation



Mech_003 Rift Sandbox Simulation using Prescribed Boundary Data

Mechanical (2D)


Case 1 Extension via a Prescribed Boundary

Case 2 Extension with Rapid Sedimentation Rate

Case 3 Extension with Slow Sedimentation Rate

Multi-layer sedimentation

Stratigraphy definition

Material grids

Adaptive mesh refinement with coarsening data and plastic strain rate

Prescribed boundary displacement using part-geometry and prescribed boundary data




Mech_004 Biaxial Test on Sand with Adaptive Remeshing

Mechanical (2D)

Case 1 Basic Set Up for Adaptive Remeshing

Case 2 Refinement using Mesh Coarsening Criteria

Case 3 Refinement using Rate Error Indicators

Adaptive mesh refinement with coarsening data and plastic strain rate

Material grids



Mech_005 Formation of Salt Diapirs in 2D (Bench Scale)

Mechanical (2D)


Case 1 Base Case with Extension only

Salt material modelled with Herschel-Bulkley viscoplastic material model

Sand material modelled with SR4 plasticity model

Extensional/Compressional tectonic movement settings

Layer sedimentation using variable sedimentation rates/fixed sedimentation horizons

Stratigraphy pinchout

Adaptive mesh refinement with coarsening data and strain rates

Single/Multiple seed point/s for diapir/s formation


Case 2 Extension and Compression with Sedimentation


Case 3 Formation of Turtle Back Structures



Material Models

Mat_001 SR4 Model Introduction

Mechanical (2D)


Overview of SR4 Model

SR4 material model


Case 1 Simulation of Triaxial Tests with the SR4 model

Case 2 Characterization of Experimental Data with the SR4 Model (Linear Elasticity)

Case 3 Characterization of Experimental Data with the SR4 Model (Poroelasticity)

Triaxial tests

Material characterization of experimental data for SR4 model with linear elasticity/poroelasticity


Plots from experimental tests

Mat_001b SR4 Hardening Calibration

Mechanical (2D)


Case 1 Introduction to SR4 Hardening Calibration

Case 2 Calibration Exercise

SR4 material hardening parameters and calibration of kappa and lambda using SR4 analytical model

Mat_001b_Case02_03   Mat_001b_Case02_06

Mat_001c SR4 User Defined Hardening

Mechanical (2D) and Coupled THM (2D)


Case 1 Definition of SR4 User-Defined Hardening Table

Case 2 Facies Mixture-based Material Database

SR4 material hardening calibration to user-defined hardening model

Provision of facies mixture-based material database spreadsheet and step by step description for user-derivation

Axi-symmetric single element oedometer test (geomechanical)

Uniaxial column consolidation test (coupled THM)


Mechanical properties for different component % of Sandstone, Siltstone, Shale, Carbonate (Ss_Si_Sh_Ca)

Mat_001d Mechanical compaction models

Mechanical (2D) and Coupled THM (2D)


Case 1 Procedure and inputs

Simplified input of data in the form of Athy-type models to characterise mechanical compaction

Automated hardening data generation


Validated results generated using the mechanical compaction models

Mat_002 Calibration of diagenesis reactions

Mechanical (2D)


Diagenesis Model Overview        

Diagenesis Model Behaviour


Diagenesis model and behaviour



Case1 Kimmeridge Clay

Case2 Berea Sandstone

Calibration of diagenesis law for Kimmeridge Clay and Berea Sandstone

Axi-symmetric single element oedometer test/burial history simulation

Fig_05 Model Set Up     Fig_10 Model_b_Setup

Axi-symmetric single element: Oedometer test (left), Burial history simulation (right)

Fig_11 Results Diagenesis 01

Results vs geomechanical tests. Simulation of burial history (left). Additional unloading/reloading (right)

Mat_003 Continuum Fracture Model (PVC test on a fractured specimen)

Coupled HM (3D)


Case1a Poroelastic simulation

Case1b Poro-elasto-plastic (SR4) simulation

Case 2a (poroelastic) and Case 2b (SR4) with 2 sets of fractures

Pore Volume Compressibility (PVC) test

Poroelastic / with SR4 plasticity materials

Single hex element continuum fracture model with one/two fracture sets


(a) Schematic of PVC test, (b) Model with 1 fracture set (Case 1), (c) with 2 fracture sets (Case 2)

Mat_004 Modelling creep in chalks and shales

Mechanical (2D)


Overview of creep models

Case01 Power law creep model

Case02 Power law model with accelerated creep at high deviatoric stresses

SR3 plasticity model with simple Power law creep/Power law with accelerated creep at high q

Hydraulic Compression Tests (HCT) and Triaxial tests (CTC) at different loading rates



Fracture Models

Fract_001 Fracture Data Import, Modification and Export

Coupled HM (3D)



ParaGeo fracture data import/export from/to FracMan data



Fract_002 Discrete Fracture Modelling

Coupled HM (3D)



Discrete fracture modelling with FracMan imported data

fract_002_fig1     fract_002_fig3

Fract_003 Modelling of Embedded Continuum Fracture

Mechanical (3D)


Case01 Joint Normal Displacement with Bandis Model

Case02 Joint Normal Displacement with Bandis Model (Spacing 0.25m)

Case03 Joint Normal Displacement with Cyclic Loading

Embedded continuum fracture modelling using Ubiquitous Element Fracture (UEF) approach in mechanical field

Homogenised fracture properties via compliance matrix

Bandis fracture normal stiffness model

Normal displacement loading



Fract_004 Homogenisation of Flow Properties in Jointed Model

Coupled HM (3D) using ParaGeoInv


Case01 Ubiquitous Embedded Fracture (UEF)


Homogenisation of flow properties (e.g. permeability) using Ubiquitous Element Fracture (UEF) approach



Case02 Spatial Embedded Fracture (SEF)

Homogenisation of flow properties (e.g. fracture permeability multiplier) using Spatially Element Fracture (SEF) approach


Hydro-Mechanical Coupled Analysis (HM)

HM_001 Introduction to Hydro-Mechanical Analysis - Uniaxial Consolidation

Coupled HM (2D)



Coupled HM data definition

Uniaxial consolidation (no gravity)


HM_002 Uniaxial Sedimentation using pre-existing sediment

Coupled HM (2D)


Case 2 Permeability = 1E-19 m2

Case 3 Permeability = 1E-16 m2

Coupled HM data definition

Uniaxial consolidation with gravity

Various permeabilities

Sedimentation time curve types (linear/s-curve)


HM_003 Uniaxial Sedimentation using Eulerian Deposition

Coupled HM (2D)


Case 2 Permeability = 1E-19 m2

Uniaxial sedimentation using Eulerian deposition

Moving Eulerian deposition surface defined using part geometry data and prescribed boundary data

Various permeabilities

Sedimentation time curve types (linear/s-curve)

HM_002_geom1     hm_003_Case1_00

HM_004 Uniaxial Sedimentation using Layer Deposition

Coupled HM (2D)



Uniaxial sedimentation using layer deposition

Stratigraphy data

Sedimentation data


HM_002_geom1     hm_004_resu_00

HM_005 Uniaxial Sedimentation using Layer Deposition Followed by Tectonic Compression

Coupled HM (2D)


Case 1 10% shortening at strain rate of 0.2/Ma

Case 2 10% shortening at strain rate of 0.05/Ma

Stage 1 uniaxial 'drape' sedimentation using layer deposition

Stage 2 tectonic compression at various strain rates

Restart data definition for stage 2 simulation


HM_clip0001                 HM_clip0002

Stage 1 - Drape sedimentation (left), Stage 2 - Tectonic compression (right)

Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Coupled Analysis (THM)

THM_001 Moving Block

Coupled THM (3D)



Coupled THM data definition

Contact data with heat and fluid flow across contact surfaces

THM_001_geometry     THM_001_porePressure

Geometry description (left), Pore pressure distribution due to movement of fluid sink (right)


Cont_001 Mechanical Contact Example

Mechanical (3D)


Case 1 Base case description

Case 2 Case with adhesion

Case 3 Case with elastic contact

Case 4 Case with penetration dependent stiffness

Mechanical contact data definition

Various contact models (adhesion, with/without slip, penetration dependent stiffness)


Cont_002 Fluid Flow and Thermal Contact Example

Coupled THM (2D)


Case 1 Constant contact properties for fluid and thermal contact

Case 2 Contact tangential flow conductivity as a function of stress

Case 3 Contact tangential flow conductivity as a function of depth

Case 5 Contact normal flow conductivity as a function of depth

Case 6 Contact flow conductivity multiplier

Coupled THM data definition

Contact data with heat and fluid flow across contact surfaces

Various contact flow models


Case 4 Contact tangential flow conductivity as a function of contact gap

Contact tangential flow model as a function of actual contact gap


Cont_003 Comparison of Contact Algorithms

Mechanical (3D)


Case01 and Case02 Comparison of node-to-node and node-to-facet contact algorithms

Comparison of contact algorithms (node-node vs node-facet)


Spatial Variation

SpatVar_001 Definition of properties with spatial variation (via Grids)

Mechanical (2D & 3D)


Case1 Base Case Description (Grid type 1)

Case1b Base Case grid defined at cell centres

Case2 Definition of grid type 3 (equivalent to Case1 grid)

Case3 Definition of non-regular cells grid (Grid type 3)

Case4 Usage of Spatial table (property dependencies)

Case5 Spatial plan (lateral variation in properties)

Case6 2D Spatial grid group (mesh)

Case7 and 7b Non-conforming grids

Different spatial grid types (Grid1, Grid3, Plan1, Group)

Definition of variables at nodes/elements

Spatial table for defining variables with dependencies on other variables

Spatial plan data in 2D for lateral property variation

Spatial grid group data (mesh based)

Spatial boundary grid mapping options for points outside grid



Geometry (top), Defined spatial grid (left), Mapped mesh variable (right)

SparVar_002 Output of Spatial Grids

Mechanical (2D)


Case1 Base Case Description (Output of Mesh Grid)

Case2 Output of a Regular Grid

Case3 Definition and Output of a Reference Set

Output of results to spatial grids with different grid formats (Group, Grid1)

Definition of reference set data to output change in specified variables and export to spatial grids


SpatVar_002_Case1_Intro   SpatVar_002_Case2_grid

Geostatic Initialization

Geost_001 Initialization of a 3000m 3D column

Coupled HM (3D)


Case 1 Base Case Description

Case 2 Over-consolidated porosity trend

Case 3 Displacement reinitialization

Case 4 Initialization with initial overpressure (via spatial grids)

Gravity loading

Geostatic initialization

Initial porosity depth  trend defined via spatial variation data

Initial pore pressure defined as hydrostatic or via spatial  grid .spat file

Usage of staged geostatic control data for displacement reinitialization


Geost_002 Staged Initialization of a Graben

Mechanical (3D)


Case 1 Base Case Description (Elastic Initialization)

Case 2 Tectonic Load

Case 3 Switch to standard models

Case 4 Displacement Reinitialization

Case 5 Porosity Initialization via Spatial Grids

Case 6 Assigning Property Dependencies

Case 7 Usage of geostatic.set

Faulted model with contact

Gravity and tectonic loading

Geostatic initialization

Initial porosity depth  trend defined via spatial variation data/spatial  grid .spat file

Young's modulus - porosity dependent spatial table

Usage of staged geostatic control data for displacement reinitialization, switching constitutive and contact models

Usage of geostatic.set for staged geostatic control data



SubMod_01 Sub-modelling Example

Mechanical (3D)


Step 1 Large Scale Model

Step 2 Sub-model Boundary Creation

Step 3 Boundary Conditions Extraction

Step 4 Sub-model simulation

Sub-model boundary export definition to spatial grids

Spatial grid mapping

Prescribed boundary conditions using Spatial boundary data



Rest_001 Restoration of a fold

Mechanical (2D)


Case 1 Base Case Description

Case 2 Restoration with Bedding Plane Slip

Case 3 Restoration with Decompaction (Synchronous)

Case 3b Restoration with Decompaction (Sequential)

Case 4 Force-based bed length constraint (High stiffness)

Case 5 Force-based bed length constraint (Low stiffness)

Case 6 Displacement-based bed length preservation

Restoration - translate/restore

Restoration with bedding plane slip

Restoration with decompaction following prescribed porosity vs depth trend

Part geometry data

Stratigraphy definition

Top surface bed-length constraint/preservation using force/displacement



Rest_002 Restoration to forward: A normal fault model

Mechanical (2D)


Step 1 Restoration

Step 2 Forward create data file

Step 3 Description of the generated forward simulation data file

Faulted model with contact

Restoration with decompaction

Utility to create forward model data from restoration



Rest_002b Restoration to forward: A normal fault model in 3D

Mechanical (3D)


Step 1 Restoration


Faulted model with contact

Restoration with decompaction




Rest_003 Restoration to forward work flow for mini-basin type models

Mechanical (2D)


Step 1 Restoration

Restoration with decompaction

Output of isopachs as sedimentation horizons


Step 2 Forward simulation

Forward simulation using extracted isopachs from restoration




Geometry Sectioning

GeomSect_001 Demonstration of Geometry Section

ParaGeo Utility


Case 2 Selection of groups

Case 3 Section parallel to plane YZ

Case 4 Vertical plane non-parallel to axis system

Case 5 Flat inclined section non-parallel to XYZ

Geometry read/write utility

Geometry section utility in global axis system/user-defined coordinate system


Workflow for Material Earth Models (MEMs)

MEM_001 MEM Workflow

Mechanical (3D) / Coupled HM (3D)


Case 1 Base Case


Various geostatic initialization phases (gravity, tectonic, contact release, constitutive release)

Production simulation

Mechanical contact

Initial spatial grid data and spatial boundary


Case 1b Reservoir Poro-elasticity defined via Spatial_table

Young's modulus - porosity dependent spatial table

Case 2 Implicit Initialisation

Geostatic initialization stages (gravity and tectonic) via implicit solver

Restart data

Case 3a HM Coupled (High Perm Fault)

Case 3b HM Coupled (Low Perm Fault)


Coupled HM simulation

Water level

Well element for producer well

High/Low perm contact fluid flow

Initial spatial grid data and spatial boundary


Case 4 HM Coupled Producer and Injector Wells

As Case 3a

Well element for producer and injector wells

Case 4b HM Coupled with De-activated Porous Flow Groups

As Case 4

De-activation of porous flow groups

Case 4c Implicit-Implicit HM Modelling

As Case 4

Full implicit solver utilized for coupled hydro-mechanical solution

Node-node contact algorithm

Case 5 Mapping of Results to Spatial Surface and Output to Plot File

Read results plot file and output to new plot file

Mapping of results to imported Spatial surface definition


MEM_002 Wokflow for cases including salt formations

Mechanical (3D)


Case00 Scaling Salt Viscosity

Case01 Base Case


Salt layers modelled via Herschel-Bulkley viscoplastic material

Various time unit updates via salt material constant K


Case 2 Faulted Case (Not available yet)

Faulted model with contact


MEM_003 Boundary Optimisation and Super Element approach within the MEM Wokflow

Mechanical (3D) using ParaGeoInv


Case 1 Boundary optimisation

Case 2 Boundary optimisation using the Super Element approach

Inverse analysis for initialisation stages using ParaGeoInv

Usage of Super element




Implicit Solver

Imp_001 Usage of the implicit solver

Mechanical (3D)


Case 1 Base Case

Implicit solver


Super Element

SuEl_001 Super Element Workflow

Mechanical (3D)


Case 1 Workflow Example

oStep 1 Create the Super Element

oStep 2 Use the Super Element

oStep 2b Use an Reflate the Super Element

Case 2 Usage of Coupled Freedoms

Super element workflow

Implicit solver

Coupled freedoms


Geological Modelling Workflow

Geol_001 Geological Modelling Workflow

Mechanical (2D)


01 - Geometry creation

02 - Restoration

03 - Restoration to Forward

04 - Forward simulation

Geometry .dxf preparation in CAD

.dxf to ParaGeo geometry .geo workflow

Restoration with decompaction

Forward simulation

Utility to create forward model data from restoration


Geol_002 Geological Modelling with Zmap Import

ParaGeo Utility

Mechanical & Coupled THM (3D)


Case01 Column Model

Zmap file import and export to Abaqus .inp file utility

Conversion of .inp file to ParaGeo .geo file

Hydrocarbon generation layers

Restoration modelling (geomechanical)

Sedimentation modelling (THM)

Moving water table with time

Directional decompaction

Boundary node extraction from irregular boundaries

Hexahedral mesh model

Basal thermal flux


Case02 Slice Model

Case03a 3D Small Irregular Grid Model with 'Ragged' Boundaries

Case03b 3D Large Irregular Grid Model with 'Ragged' Boundaries

Geol_002b Additional functionality for Geological Modelling

Mechanical & Coupled THM (3D)


Case01 Membrane elements and boundary couple freedoms

Membrane elements for bed length preservation

Boundary column nodes with coupled freedoms

Geol_002b_Fig03         Geol_002b_Fig02

                    (a) Membrane (triangle) elements on top surface    (b) Column of coupled nodes on boundary

Case02 Spatial distribution of facies

With spatial distribution of material property facies


Facies distribution in Formation 08 in tutorial sub-model

Case03 Modelling erosion

With erosion in restoration & sedimentation


Case04 Spatial heat flow

With spatial distribution basal heat flux


Basal heat flux distribution

Geol_003 Geological Modelling for TET meshes

ParaGeo Utility

Mechanical (3D)


Case01 Workflow for TET models built from Zmaps

Zmap file import and export to Abaqus .inp file utility

Conversion of .inp file to ParaGeo .geo file

Hex to TET conversion

Restoration modelling with adaptivity (geomechanical)

Utility to create forward model data from restoration

Sedimentation modelling (geomechanical)

Spatial distribution of facies


Facies distribution from zmap (left) and after forward modelling (right)

Case02 Forward simulation from a non-final restoration paleo-time

Utility to read plot file results and export a spatial grid

Utility to create forward model data from restoration

Sedimentation modelling (geomechanical)

Spatial distribution of facies


Schematic of the workflow

Hydrocarbon Maturation

Kin_001 HC kinetics in uniaxial column with deposition

Coupled THM (2D)



THM sedimentation

Multi-kerogen sediment layers

Influence of HC kinetics on pore pressure, porosity and strength

Combined use of two damping models for long column


Parameter Definition

ParDef_001 Parameter Definition in Data File

Mechanical (2D)


Case01 Parameter-only

Case02 Parameter with local expression

Case03 Parameter with global expression

Parameter definition (various usage)



Strip footing model

Wellbore Models

Wellbore_001 Cased and Cemented 3D Wellbore Model

Coupled THM (3D)


Case01 Time-dependent Cement Hardening with Diagenetic Shrinkage

Coupled THM simulation

Deactivated porous flow in casing and cement

Contact between wellbore components

Time-dependent cement hardening material with increased yield strength

Cement hardening with diagenetic reaction resulting in volume shrinkage

Usage of transient time step growth in solution control


Wellbore_002 Casing Collapse due to Shear at Salt/Sandstone Bedding Plane

Mechanical (3D)



Contact between salt/sandstone bedding plane

Large bedding plane slip (shear) causing casing collapse

Salt with Herschel-Bulkley viscoplastic material

